DIY NEWS – The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) aims for 41 million families to receive Social Assistance in Cash (BST) by 2021.
This number is over 29 million compared to this year’s recipients. Although in fact the amount of help provided will be less.
Initially the amount of assistance was IDR 600 thousand and IDR 300 thousand in 2020, considering several things, among them being able to increase the number of KPMs, budget availability and the estimated impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has decreased in the community.
“Hopefully, the amount of funds per KPM in 2021 can be the same as in 2020, which is Rp. 300 thousand,” said the Minister of Social Affairs.
The Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P Batubara, recalled that there must be an update of the data on the beneficiaries of social assistance so that the same person is not receiving assistance continuously because the principle of justice must be observed.
Also read: info.gtk.kemdikbud.go.id Cannot be accessed, this is another link on how to check salary subsidized BLT BSU beneficiaries
“Do not raise a family that is the only thing that receives help. Do not do it because there is a fee,” said the Minister of Social Affairs.
So far, there have been several social assistance programs distributed by the Ministry of Social Affairs, among others, the Basic Food Program that was previously known as Non-Effective Food Assistance (BPNT), Family Hope Program (PKH), and Effective Social Assistance (BST) for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Also read: How to register for BPUM Banpres if NIK KTP is not registered at Check BRI Eform link for liquid MSME support