The eruption is near, these are signs according to the key interpreters of Merapi

[ad_1], SLEMAN“Most of Merapi’s key officials, Mas Kliwon Suraksohargo Asihono or Mas Asih, admitted that they sensed natural signs that Mount Merapi was approaching eruption. The son of the late Mbah Maridjan admitted that he often heard the roar of the sound of Merapi.

“His voice Thunder [bergemuruh] the term. The signal snakes due to the vibrations of the shed. Voices thunder-thunder there may be glundhung stones [berguguran dan menggelinding. Secara umum ada, sering ada guguran dan sinyal itu selalu meningkat,” kata Mas Asih di rumahnya di Hunian Tetap (Huntap) Karangkendal, Cangkringan, Umbulharjo, Kabupaten Sleman yang berjarak delapan kilometer dari puncak Gunung Merapi, Minggu (15/11/2020).

BACA JUGA: Percaya Mitos Lari Saat Gunung Meletus, Warga Lereng Merapi Tak Mau Sembarangan Mengungsi

Status Gunung Merapi meningkat menjadi Siaga (level tiga) mulai 5 November lalu. Sebelumnya, Merapi berstatus Waspada sejak 21 Mei 2018.

Mas Asih meminya masyarakat yang ada di lereng Gunung Merapi selalu mematuhi imbauan dan informasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Bali Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kebencanaan Geologi (BPPTKG).

Warga lereng Merapi, menurut Juru Kunci, memegang teguh ilmu titen [pengamatan berdasarkan tanda-tanda] to know the activities of Mount Merapi. Knowledge of the title is based on the experience of the eruption of Mount Merapi in 2006 and 2010.

ALSO READ: Merapi Siaga, 30 villages in danger areas, this is the list

“Sciences titen citizens are attached. If there is an avalanche, there will definitely be an eruption. But we don’t know when the eruption happened. Good science titen it is so. If the benchmark is still the BPPTKG. Because who has the team and the authority is BPPTKG ”, said Mas Asih.

BPPTKG recommends that a five kilometer radius from Merapi Peak be free from human activities because it is in a dangerous area.

“We pray to God that the community is in a restricted area [lima kilometer dari puncak Gunung Merapi] it can be safe and there are no victims, “Mas Asih said.
