Trump Sues, Can Biden Cancel US Presidency?


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The 45th President of the United States (USA) Donald John Trump has not yet accepted defeat in the American presidential election some time ago. Trump was defeated by Joe Biden of the Democratic Party with an electoral vote of 214-290.

Although Biden won a landslide victory, Trump insisted and claimed that the presidential election this time was not over. The Republican incumbent alleges interference in bogus opinion polls, as well as media, money and technology in the presidential elections.

“I easily WIN the Presidency of the United States BY VOTING THE LAW. SUPERVISORS are not allowed, in any way or form, to do their job and therefore votes received during this period must be determined as ILLEGAL VOTES. Supreme Court of the United States must decide! “Trump tweeted.

Trump has launched legal action in several states that Biden won. Trump is taking legal action in the states of Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona.

However, can Trump address his opponent’s victory, so that Biden cancels his post as the 46th president of the United States? Several legal experts expressed their opinion on this matter, as reported by Sky News.

“The lawsuits appear reckless with no real chance of materially influencing the outcome of the election. The only thing they can do is delay the issue and further aggravate the circumstances that Trump might have been targeting in the first place,” said Lawrence Douglas, professor of law and author of the book. ‘Go to? Trump and the electoral collapse looming in 2020 ‘.

Robert Tsai, a law professor at the American University of Washington School of Law, said: “Based on my analysis of the lawsuits so far, this seems like a desperate tactic. The margins are not very close anywhere except in Nevada and As the numbers keep flowing, it looks like they will follow Biden’s path. “

“If you look at the substance of the lawsuits that have been filed, most of the allegations are under state law that there may be inadequate or inadequate access to polling stations, but so far it has been consistently discredited. I don’t see thousands. of votes changed or cast.. “

Edward Foley, an election law specialist at Moritz College of Law, said the cases may be appropriate, but affect only a small number of ballots and procedural issues.

In line with other experts, Carol Laham, Wiley Rein LLP’s nationally recognized partner in the field of election law and the practice of government ethics, said that each state has its own requirements for holding elections in that state.

“And the Trump campaign must prove that the elections were not conducted in accordance with state requirements. If the campaign has sufficient evidence to prove the alleged abuses, it has a chance of success,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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