TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Puan Maharani finally revealed his reason for turning off the microphone when a DPR member of the Democratic Party faction, Benny K. Harman, spoke out against ratifying the Omnibus Bill in the Job Creation Act. The DPR RI president expressed this to Boy William, who he invited to see the atmosphere of the DPR / MPR building, Jakarta, and broadcast it on his YouTube channel, Thursday, November 12, 2020.
“If you can’t speak upstairs because it turns off automatically, it just blinks. Since you want to keep speaking as chairman of the trial, you should be able to divide your time to speak,” he said.
In the video titled Exclusive! Puan Maharani is surprised to be asked about this with a child William! | #Behind that door He explained that the DPR has rules and regulations. He recognized that all DPR members have the right to speak. “If a person has spoken, they should not speak again, but give other people the opportunity to speak,” he said.
Because Benny was deemed too loud, Puan said, DPR Vice President Aziz Syamsuddin, who chaired the hearing, asked him to turn off Benny’s microphone. According to Puan, the DPR RI spokesperson, who always sits in the middle leadership chair, has the right to organize technical talks, whether to turn it off or not.
“Actually, the one who presided over the trial for the conspicuous incident, you know, sat on my right side, but the person in question couldn’t speak because he was talking all the time on the floor,” he said. It was then that Aziz told him to turn off the microphone. “That’s why I turned off the microphone. Not on purpose, but to make the process run smoothly,” he said.
Boy William then asked her how she felt when they protested her. “I just thought why the aspirations were not transmitted properly, correctly and courteously, this is the people’s house but I also accept what they have entrance, but there is no need to destroy, disturb public order,” he said.
The daughter of the general president of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, admitted that she has not found the right way to anticipate this problem. He said that whenever there was a demonstration in front, their voices could be heard in the courtroom.
He admitted that one of the DPR’s functions as legislators could not satisfy many parties. “It doesn’t satisfy either party, there must be pros and cons.”