The seller is threatened with a 1 billion IDR fine


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Law of Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages (RUU Minol) includes criminal penalties in the form of fines of up to Rs 1 billion for anyone who sells alcoholic drinks In Indonesia.

The threat of punishment also applies to people who enter, store and distribute alcoholic beverages on Indonesian territory.

Any person who violates the provisions mentioned in article 6 will be sentenced to a prison term of at least (2) years and a maximum of 10 (ten) years or a fine of at least Rp. 200,000,000, – (two hundred million) and a maximum of Rp1,000,000,000.00 (one billion rupees),“Article 19 of the Draft Law for the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages is cited in the draft uploaded by the ICJR association on Thursday (11/12).

Penalties are also imposed on those who produce alcoholic beverages. They face a prison term of 2 to 5 years or a fine of Rs 200 million to Rs 1 billion. If it results in death, the penalty increases by 1/3.

Criminal sanctions are also prepared for consumers. People who drink alcohol can be jailed for 3 months to 2 years or fined from IDR 10 million to IDR 50 million.

Criminal penalties for consumers are increased if they disturb public order and threaten the lives of others.

The prison term is 1 to 5 years or a fine of IDR 20 million-IDR 100 million. The penalty increases by 1/3 if it results in loss of life.

Even so, there are exceptions to the prohibition of alcoholic beverages. The exceptions are listed in Article 8 which reads as follows:

Article 8

(1) The prohibition referred to in articles 5, 6 and 7 does not apply to limited interests.
(2) The limited interests mentioned in paragraph (1) include:
to. customary interests;
second. religious rituals;
C. traveler;
re. pharmacy; Y
me. places allowed by law.
(3) Other provisions related to limited interests referred to in paragraph (2) shall be regulated in a government regulation.

Allowed areas include duty-free shops, 5-star hotels, prayer plate and tray restaurants, bars, pubs, nightclubs, and specialty shops selling alcoholic beverages.

The Draft Law on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages is included in the 2019-2024 National Legislation Program DPR RI. This bill is a commission proposal. One of the proponents of the PPP faction, Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal, called this rule the mandate of the 1945 Constitution and religious teachings.


[Gambas:Video CNN]
