A family in Sragen died after the celebration, starting with the bride.


SRAGEN, iNews.id – In-laws celebration held by a family in Wonorejo Village, Kalijambe district, Sragen Regency ended in grief. The bride, mother, and father died sequentially after the celebration. All three allegedly died due to exposure to Covid-19.

Village Head (Kades) Wonorejo, said Edi Subagyo, SD (60), who is the local village chief general, held a celebration party for his son-in-law, LD (28), who has been a nurse in Puskesmas in eastern Jakarta. LD is married to a man from Wonogiri but has a Tangerang ID card.

“The wedding took place on October 24, 2020, he (LD) came home on October 22, 2020,” said Edi Subagyo, on Thursday (12/11/2020).

This girlfriend has a history of asthma. The wedding and reception will take place on October 24, 2020.

“At first I wanted to use the entertainment, but it was not allowed because it was still during the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

Publisher: Nani Suherni
