4 reasons why Raffi Ahmad does not calculate help Dimas sell a viral fishball


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Since he went viral and was invited to meet Raffi Ahmad, the life of Dimas Ramadhan, a fish meatball merchant in Bekasi, has changed dramatically.

Raffi, who treats Dimas like his family, calls Dimas after him when he was young.

The following is the reason why Raffi Ahmad continues to help Dimas and the proof of Dimas’ innocence that stuns Raffi.

Also Read: Raffi Ahmad Reveals Big Plans For Viral Fish Ball Maker Dimas

Reminiscent of youth

Upon seeing Dimas for the first time at his home, Raffi called Dimas a reflection of himself.

“These children also come early in the morning, I see how I used to, planga plongo like this,” Raffi said with a laugh.

Raffi said he had chemistry with Dimas

Raffi Ahmad is happy to have chemistry with Dimas. Although Dimas was a stranger to him, he could tell Dimas that he was a good boy.

Also read: Invited by Raffi Ahmad to Nihi Sumba, Dimas says the bathroom is bigger than his rent

“Happy AHA, chemistry-chemistry-anWhen we talk, there is a child who knows that it is good, fun, fun. AHA like me in the past, “Raffi said.

Call Dimas llano

Raffi laughed every time he told or heard about Dimas’s innocence. Like when Raffi told a story about Dimas actually bringing his fish ball cart from Bekasi to shoot. Holy promise.

“He’s really innocent, when he was filming The Holy Promise with me, Really bring the original car to the house, they brought the bakso car from Bekasi, “Raffi said.

Also read: Viral because similar to Raffi Ahmad, Ramadan Dimas Bakso Business is selling well

Dimas’ innocence was also seen when he was shocked and later told Denny Cagur how big his hotel bathroom was.

“You know the bathroom is bigger than my rent in Sono Bekasi,” Dimas said in amazement.

Livelihood is nowhere to be found

Raffi already has a plan to raise Dimas’s standard of living. The host and YouTuber believe that if fortune goes to Dimas, he is definitely not going anywhere.

“Whoever it is, if it is sustenance mah nowhere, “said Raffi, who plans to make Dimas’s fish meatball business bigger.

Also read: Come to Andara, Dimas, viral dumplings Get expensive shoes from Raffi Ahmad
