Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –
Head of the Board of Directors of the Body of Ideological Construction of Pancasila (BPIP) who is also the General President of PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri call DKI Jakarta Currently a city in chaos.
According to him, Jakarta should be able to become a ‘student city’ or City from Intellectual as formulated by Jakarta State University. Solo Semarang, Solo and Surabaya are becoming city from intellectual UNJ version.
“The problem is that now I say that Jakarta is in ruins, so it was supposed to be city from intellect this can be done urbanism, master planhim etc. “Mega said while speaking at the event ‘National Dialogue: Pancasila Culture and National Affirmation of Indonesia in the Millennium Era’ which was broadcast online on Tuesday (11/10).
“Who did this, of course academics, engineers, etc., etc.,” he added.
Mega also admits that she is surprised that Yogyakarta is not on the list. ‘Intellectual city‘which was presented at the event initiated by the Jakarta State University (UNJ). In fact, according to him, until now Yogyakarta is known as the city of students or the city of students.
“Why isn’t Yogya number one because Yogya is well known as a student town, along with its cat rice? [seharga] I used to eat 1,000 rupees of silver, “he said.
For information, just in commemoration of Heroes Day, which falls on November 10, three regions headed by PDIP cadres have received awards such as’City From Intellectual‘.
The award was awarded based on research conducted by a team led by the President of the Senate and Jakarta State University (UNJ) professor Hafid Abbas.
The three regions are Semarang City, directed by Hendrar Prihadi, Solo City, directed by FX Hadi Rudyatmo, and Surabaya City, directed by Tri Rismaharini.
Mega also regretted that the Rawamangun area where UNJ was established has yet to become ‘City from Intellectual‘. In fact, the inscription that first conveyed the vision was there.
“Unfortunately, Rawamangun has failed or failed to become city of intellect. So, I mean, I beg you to have academic ways of seeing where we are going, “he said.
[Gambas:Video CNN]