Jakarta –
Negative content and issues spread quickly on social media. One of them is the subject of an exciting video as an artist.
Recently, a sex video like Gisella Anastasia circulated on social media. Later, allegations of sex videos such as Jessica Iskandar emerged.
Not yet finished the case of the two artists, a new theme emerged, Bunda. This time dragging the name Anya Geraldine.
Netizens point out that Anya Geraldine is in a video circulating on Twitter. However, Anya denied it.
Here are 5 facts about the theme of the video similar to Anya Geraldine:
1. Spread after the video like Gisel and Jedar
After sex videos like Gisella Anastasia and Jessica Iskandar went viral on social media, Anya Geraldine is now caught up in the same thing. A sex video was said to be similar to Anya Geraldine.
Multiple Twitter accounts had shared the video, Bunda. There are also those who upload a photo of the exciting video screenshot.
Netizens later pointed out that the woman in the video was Anya Geraldine. This accusation appeared only because the bracelet was similar to Anya’s.
Also consider telematics expert Roy Suryo’s explanation of the following Gisella Anastasia-like sex tape.
[Gambas:Video Haibunda](hmm / thu)