Ambassador Agus explains Habib Rizieq’s excess stay label, there is confidential data



Habib Rizieq Syihab, the leader of the FPI, threatened to sue anyone, including Indonesian officials, who said he had stayed longer in Saudi Arabia. Indonesia’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Agus Maftuh Abegebriel, laughed at the threat from Rizieq.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha … funny and strange, the result of misinterpreting the text of the document or in the language of the santri ‘al-inhiraf fi fahmi nusus al-watsiqah’ deviating in understanding the text of the document “said Ambassador Agus in his explanation to detikcom, Friday (11/6/2020).

Agus Maftuh admitted that he understood because, according to him, Habib Rizieq did not understand consular science, including immigration to Saudi Arabia, so there was a threat that he would sue those who labeled him as ‘super-status’. “We understand that you have not finished studying ‘al-alaqah ad-duwaliyyah fi al-Islam’ (relations between countries in Islam) that regulates diplomatic guidelines,” Agus said.

Agus Maftuh said that Habib Rizieq had been shown to have misunderstood the first screen of immigration to Saudi Arabia and made sure that Rizieq had not seen the second screen and so on what Agus said was more vulgar. The second screen that Agus was referring to displayed the main menu ‘Sijil al-Mukhalif’, a list of records of immigration law violators.

“MRS is logged on this screen, starting with the name, type of violation, number of deportee, types of documents, etc.,” said Agus Maftuh.

“It is the Saudi Arabian immigration system that gives you the label of over stay or ‘mutakhallif ziyarah’. Please protest the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We do not put the label. Weird,” he added.

Ambassador Agus said that Habib Rizieq was labeled a ‘mukhalif’ violator of the law on the second screen and this would not go away. On this second screen, he said, there were two columns that were sensitive and categorized as dishonor. Agus Maftuh will not reveal it to the public because he still respects Habib Rizieq, whom he calls a fellow santri.

“As of November 4, this confidential data can still be read. If you are not comfortable with this label, please protest to the Saudi immigration computer,” said Agus Maftuh.

Furthermore, Agus Maftuh said that overstayer status was not a disgrace and that in Saudi Arabia it was very common. Indonesian citizens who stay longer are often abbreviated as WNIO.

“Now they often joke about the WNIO label, WNIO is an ‘ora duwe passport’ from Indonesia (I don’t have a passport), ‘ora duwe visa’ (I don’t have a valid visa), ‘ora duwe Iqamah’ (I don’t have a passport Saudi identity)), but they emphatically said ‘Yo ora popo’ (yes, okay) the alias is commonplace and commonplace, “added Agus Maftuh.

Habib Rizieq previously explained this “extended stay” problem. How does Habib Rizieq explain? See on next page.
