List of 5.5 million pre-employment cards from batch 11, how do you know if they approved or not? This is the leak


DIY NEWS – The Pre-Employment Card Implementation Management pointed out that applicants for the Pre-Employment Card of Lot 11 until Tuesday, November 3, 2020, had reached 5.5 million.

Despite the fact that the quota provided is only 400 thousand. This means that there will be millions of potential participants who will fail.

“5.5 million have already been registered,” said the head of Pre-employment Card Communications, Lousia Tuhatu, on Wednesday, November 4, 2020.

Also read: Tips on how to register for lot 11 pre-employment cards, 36 million applicants do not qualify because of this

In Lot 1-10, the total number of applicants for the Pre-Employment Card reached 40 million. Of that number, 26 million passed email verification.

Then, 18 million passed the verification of cell phone numbers, and from that number it decreased to 5.59 million people who received the decree (SK) for the beneficiaries of the program.

Also read: Pre-employment and salary subsidies were not approved? Sign up for JPS Kemnaker, there is an IDR 40 million incentive

Each beneficiary receives a total incentive of 2.4 million IDR, paid per month of 600 thousand IDR for four months after completing the training and providing a qualification and review of the training.

As reported by the Instagram account @, the participants who pass will receive an SMS notification to the number registered in the Prakerja account.
