How to complete the BPUM UMKM attendance list, to get BRI SMS and login link


MANTRA SUKABUMI – Dear MIPYME Business Actors, here is a complete list of BPUM UMKM assistance. Dear MIPYME actors, if you have finished the UMKM BPUM Assistance list, wait to receive SMS BRI, as a certainty if the UMKM actor has been registered as a recipient.

Also, after receiving the SMS from BRI, which says we will transmit on the next page, MSMEs players only need to enter the link We provide the login link on the last page, or you can in the Google search field by typing

This aid from BPUM UMKM was granted by the government in the amount of IDR 2.4 million in cash and all at the same time without fees or in stages. BPUM UMKM assistance for Lot 2 is open until the end of November and is scheduled to be disbursed in December 2020.

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The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs explained the data on the distribution of the Presidential Productive Microenterprise Assistance (BPUM UMKM), which has reached 100%. Until October 7, 2020, the distribution of Rp. 2.4 million has been delivered to 9.1 million microentrepreneurs affected by COVID-19 who meet the requirements. Reported by from the page.

Official statement from the beneficiaries of the expanded program / Banpres expanded
Previously, the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki, had said that his party had sent a letter proposing to expand the target recipient to 12 million microentrepreneurs. Currently, the Ministry of Finance is reviewing the proposal letter. Therefore, the additional beneficiaries of the BPUM UMKM banpres are up to 3 million commercial actors.

However, separately, following the plan to increase the beneficiaries of the presidential ban, the Funding Deputy of the Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM, Hanung Harimba Rachman Hospital opened the Consultation Forum for the Distribution of Assistance for Micro-Enterprise Actors (BPUM) in Yogyakarta, on Thursday (October 8).

Hanung said that the beneficiaries of the latest presidential ban were proposed to be 15 million UMKM players from the previous proposal of 12 million UMKM players.

Meanwhile, the Banpres Productivo para Microempresas (BPUM UMKM) is aimed at microenterprise actors that are still “unbanked” and have never received financing from a financial institution. This program aims to encourage microenterprises to access formal financing.
