Register for social assistance Rp. 500 thousand per household and then check the registration status at the link


JOGLOSEMAR NEWS – The government has launched several direct cash aid (BLT) since the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, BLT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan or salary subsidies, Banpres UMKM, also subsidized the Internet fee for students and educators.

This time, through the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), the government launched Social Cash Assistance (BST), which received up to 500 thousand IDR for each household.

Also read: BLT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has disbursed into the accounts of 12.1 million workers, checks when batch 2 is transferred

According to a report on the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs, a total of 9 million beneficiary families are destined to receive BST of Rs 500,000. Of course, with a note, the BST program of Rp.500 thousand per KK not PKKH is intended only for families who do not receive the Family Hope Program (No PKH).

So what happens if you don’t receive this assistance? Here we show you how to request BST of 500 lakhs per family or Bansos of 500 lakhs.

Also read: Check immediately at to know the status of UMKM Banpres recipients of Rp 2.4 million

As for how to make a prosperous family card (KKS) as follows:
1. Visit the local government as RT / RW to register as a Participant of the Beneficiary Family (KPM).
2. After registering, KPM candidates will receive a notification letter with the registration method at the location determined.
3. Complete data is then processed by HIMBARA (Association of State-Owned Banks), the sub-district offices and then the Mayor / Regent’s office.
4. After passing the verification stage, the KPM candidate will receive a bank account and a prosperous family card.

KKS will work as a non-cash card to receive various government aid. In the disbursement process, this social assistance will be transferred directly to the beneficiary’s account through a family welfare card (KKS).
