Polri responds about the types of cigarettes that start fires at AGO



Bareskrim Polri revealed that the cause of the fire in the main building of the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) was due to the embers of a worker who was working in one of the rooms. So what kind of cigarettes set the AGO building on fire?

“Regarding the types of cigarettes that the investigators have passed on, the head of the Public Relations Division, even the experts, even practiced that they all turned to ash. Therefore, it cannot be said what types of cigarettes,” Karopenmas of the National Police Public Relations Division said Brigadier General Awi Setiyono at the police headquarters in South Jakarta on Tuesday (10/27/2020).

“That is the relevance of the adequacy of the testimony of the witnesses and the facts found in the field,” he continued.

Bareskrim Polri revealed an absence in the AGO building fire. Forensic fire expert Yulianto explained the general cause of the AGO fire and his analysis of the incident.

“So, the fire incident is always preceded by a small fire. In the process, if it comes from a cigarette, it will go through a process called burning. This burning process produces a lot of smoke, which is white in color,” Yulianto told journalists. press conference in Bareskrim, Police Station, Jalan Trunojoyo, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday (23/10).

In this burning process, Yulianto continued, there could be a process of transition to stages flaming. Yulainto describes the transition process with the example of a lit cigarette.

“Experience a transition to flaming. If it burns, we smoke, for example, if we put a temperature measuring device, it is approximately 600 degrees centigrade. Once you transitioned to flaming combat, it can be above 1,000 degrees Celsius, “Yulianto said.

“Well, in this incident the transition process happened, so in the sixth floor building, the corridor part lit up, grew bigger and underwent a process that he called fire growth, it grows, the fire grows according to the law of T squared “, continued Yulianto.

(rfs / rfs)
