Sutiyoso encourages DKI to remove the pole from the monorail and pay compensation


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Former Governor of DKI Jakarta Sutiyoso advised the provincial government of DKI Jakarta to remove the post Monorail which had inaugurated its construction in 2004.

“It would be better if the regional government dismantles the poles if it is not continued. But of course the consequence is that the regional government will offset the Jakarta monorail and it will be calculated by an independent team,” he said., Friday (23/10).

Sutiyoso explained that the monorail problem had returned because this project had not been completed long ago. In fact, said Bang Yos, his nickname, this project was very effective in overcoming congestion with the blue line and the green line.

“Also this project is purely a private investment, it does not require APBN or APBD funds. It is very false or very false that the accusation is that this project is corrupt. It can be examined, not even a rupee of DKI funds has been released for this project “, said, who was the initiator. this project.

Bang Yos also compared the Monorail project with the Jakarta Light Rail Transit (LRT) project carried out in the era of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama aka Ahok. According to him, the Jakarta LRT project costs a lot of money and comes from the budget of the DKI Regional Budget.

“Try to compare it to Pak Ahok LRT project, the distance is short. It costs trillion rupees with APBD funds and the operation is subsidized by the provincial government which is quite large. What is the benefit of the route compared to monorail route that I approved before? Please, people judge, “he explained.

Finally, Sutiyoso suggested that Anies could discuss with various parties about the dismantling of the pole. As you sit together, hope there win-win solution that does not harm one of the parties to maintain respect with investors.

“If the poles are to be dismantled, it must be discussed with the current governor, Mr. Anies. All parties must sit down and discuss the solution. Also because all government actions have legal consequences,” he concluded.

The chairman of the PKB and PPP Jakarta DPRD factions, Hasbiallah Ilyas, previously requested the provincial government of DKI Jakarta to remove the post from the Jakarta monorail. According to Hasbi, the pillar was no longer working and was disturbing in terms of aesthetics.

“That’s true (disturbing sight). So it would be better if the word was used, it would not be used optimally,” he said.

It is known that the development of the monorail started from 2004 with two lines, namely the green line and the blue line. In 2011, DKI officially stopped the PT Jakarta Monorel project due to funding problems.

(ctr / ain)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
