Login to eform.bri.go.id/bpum Enter NIK eKTP and verify membership details for BLT Banpres BPUM BRI IDR 2.4 million


MANTRA SUKABUMI – Entering eform.bri.go.id/bpum BLT and entering your eKTP ID, you will see if you are registered or not as a recipient of BPUM BRI Banpres Rp. 2.4 million.

Before logging in to eform.bri.go.id/bpum Banpres BPUM BRI, you must prepare an eKTP because verification of recipient data uses the NIK in the KTP. Simply typing the eKTP NIK number, the eform will show your name is registered or not

This assistance is called Banpres BPUM Rp. 2.4 million, which is intended for SME companies as capital to continue developing their businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Also read: eKTP number is not registered as BLT UMKM BPUM IDR 2.4 million recipient, see official registration requirements

Read Also: IDR 2.4 Million BPUM BLT Recipient List, BRI Login Official eform.bri.co.id/bpum with ID Card Only

The amount of budget funds that UKM players will receive is 2.4 million IDR. With this budget, the government hopes to help SMEs continue to grow.

This presidential assistance has been disbursed in the amount of IDR 21,861 billion and the budget has been distributed approximately 99.41 percent. This means that the government has distributed this assistance reaching almost 100 percent.

Informed by Mantrasukabumi.com from the page Indonesia.go.id, regarding the general terms, conditions, how to register and other conditions to receive the BPUM Banpres of IDR 2.4 million:

President Jokowi stressed that the Banpres was not a working capital loan that had to be repaid. However, Usama Mikro Productive Banpres (BPUM) is a grant. Use it as additional capital, to increase merchandise.
