Sign up for Facebook MSME online help at this link, simple requirements to get a total fund of IDR 12.5 billion


DIY NEWS – US technology company Facebook provided financial assistance worth a total of Rs 12,500 million, or the equivalent of Rs 31 million for 400 MSMEs in Indonesia. Interested persons can register online through the link provided in this article.

In addition to Indonesia, Facebook also provides assistance in more than 30 countries around the world with different values ​​for MSME players who are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The details of the funds provided by Facebook to Indonesian MSME players are IDR 31,017,300, with details of IDR 19,385,800 in cash and IDR 11,631,500 in optional ad credits (this amount is only an estimate from Facebook).

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In addition to free funds, Facebook also offers free virtual training (webinars) to help MSME players compete online or digitally over the Internet.

Enrollment for free Facebook support funds for MSME can be accessed at the following link:

In the meantime, to sign up for free online training, get advice from experts and other UKM owners, and visit Facebook’s Business Resource Hub containing tips, features and free online training, you can access it at the link below: https: //www.facebook. com / business / resource

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