Demonstration in Makassar Chaotic, damaged UNM campus from NasDem office was attacked



A protest from the mass of students who refused all the law The Job Creation Law in the city of Makassar ends in chaos until tonight. The office of DPD NasDem Makassar was damaged and the NasDem ambulance burned, while the campus of Makassar State University (UNM) was attacked by residents.

Initially, the protesting student mass refused all the law The Ciptaker Act was demonstrated in front of the UNM campus in Jalan AP Pettarani on Thursday (10/22/2020) this afternoon. In addition to giving speeches, the masses shut down Jalan AP Pettarani.

The student action lasted into the night and, around 9:00 pm local time, a mob suspected of provoking by stoning the Makassar city DPD NasDem office, which is located in Jalan AP Pettarani, is near the place of massive action. Some time after the vandalism, the masses also burned an ambulance belonging to NasDem.

“Yes, there was a vandalism in one of the party offices that was followed by the burning of an ambulance belonging to the party,” Rappocini Reskrim 2 Police, Ipda Nurman Matasa said when confirmed. detikcom.

Makassar NasDem’s office continued to be attacked with stone-throwing stones until the glass in the front of the office broke. Meanwhile, before the crowd caught fire, the NasDem ambulance, which was initially parked in the office yard, was stopped on the road until it was later destroyed by trampling, breaking glass, resulting in burns.

Massive action against the Omnibus Law in Makassar ended in chaosThe NasDem Party ambulance was set on fire by the masses when the demonstration against the bus law was chaotic. (Photo: Special Doc)

In the midst of the attack on the NasDem office, a group of residents suddenly appeared who assaulted the students and were pushed into the UNM campus area, which is located in front of the NasDem office. The crowd attacked the UNM campus throwing stones at them.

Until now, chaos continues to occur. The mass of students who survived from inside the UNM campus also continued to respond to the rock-throwing attacks.

