Can you register for BLT UMKM online? This is the Kemenkop UKM page explanation.

[ad_1] – There is a series of information circulating that indicates that the registration of Productive Banpres participants or direct cash assistance (BLT) for micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) can be carried out online.

One of the many ways mentioned is to register through the official website of the Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM (Kemenkop UKM),

Although after opening it, the page did not exist at all. link registration or any form that can be filled out by people who are interested in obtaining this BLT UMKM worth Rp.2.4 million.

There, information is only available on the social assistance program in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, in the submenu “National Economic Recovery” “Faq for productive micro-business assistance”.

This information was also clarified by the Finance deputy of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Hanung Harimba Rachman.

According to him, Kemenkop UKM does not facilitate registration online BLT UMKM. However, he said, there are in fact a number of regional offices that offer registration options. online.

“There are several regions that offer online registration,” Hanung said on Tuesday (10/20/2020).

Also Read: 4 Things You Need To Pay Attention To Regarding BLT UMKM

Hanung did not specify which areas were possible to register for BLT UMKM online online.

Therefore, the community that is interested in registering this program on a regular basis online must actively verify the information on the respective regional proposing bodies.

The proposed agency is the agency in charge of cooperatives and SMEs; a cooperative that has been legalized as a legal entity; ministries / agencies; banking and financial companies registered with the OJK.

However, Hanung also reminded the public to be careful, because false information regarding the registration was also circulating. online BLT UMKM.

“But there is (record online) who makes fun, “he said.

Examples of hoaxes were uploaded to the official Twitter account @kemenkopukm on Monday (10/19/2020).

The form is called BANPRES Productive Microenterprise Proposal (PUM) – Phase III and it is said that it can be used at the national level until November 10, 2020.

So if there is a commercial actor who wants to register, he can immediately fill in the requested personal data completely and correctly.

However, Kemenkop UKM confirmed that the information was a hoax.

“#SobatKUKM beware of circulating forms online on behalf of the Minister for Cooperatives and UKM. It should be noted that the #BanpresProductiveUsahaMikro program was proposed by the Cooperatives and SME Service Offices of each region and the proposing agencies. Stay tuned, friend!“, write a description in the upload.

Read also: [HOAKS] Information in the online form for Banpres’s productive registration

To anticipate incorrect information, Hanung advised the public to contact their respective local governments.

“So we have to make direct contact with the local government office,” he said.

In the meantime, full information on requirements, how to register and distribution of assistance can be accessed via the following page.

The UMKM BLT program in the midst of the corona virus pandemic has entered phase II, where distribution continues and registration remains open until the end of November 2020.

Previously, the program was planned to close at the end of September 2020, but because the quota had not yet been exhausted, the registration was extended.

At this level II, there are 3 million quota recipients. Thus, the total share of BLT UMKM beneficiaries increased, from 9 million to 12 million people.

Also read: Regarding BLT UMKM: how to register, terms and disbursement
