Good news, Bio Farma is officially a producer of Covid-19 vaccines


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – PT Bio Farma (Persero) has officially become one of the potential CEPI drug manufacturers for Covid-19. Production of the vaccine will begin in the fourth quarter of next year or early 2022 with a production capacity of 100 million doses per year.

Bio Farma Director Honesti Basyir said CEPI’s use of Bio Farma production sites is to provide facilities for the world’s vaccine developers who do not have mass production facilities.

“Currently, the world is trying to find a Covid-19 vaccine with all kinds of platforms. Some of the Covid-19 vaccine developers around the world do not yet have independent mass production facilities, so CEPI will match them with producers of vaccines that meet certain requirements, and Bio Farma is one of them, ”said Honesti in a press release on Thursday (9/15/2020).

CEPI is a public-private and philanthropic coalition, based in Norway, with the aim of overcoming the epidemic by accelerating the development of its vaccine. CEPI also aims to develop a safe, effective and affordable early phase vaccine that can help contain an outbreak as soon as possible.

Honesti emphasized that the use of this production plant by CEPI does not interfere with routine production at Bio Farma.

Following this collaboration, a collaboration with CEPI will be developed for another pandemic vaccine using the latest technology. This is expected to help Bio Farma gain access to other vaccine manufacturing technologies to strengthen vaccine independence across the country.

This is not the first time that Bio Farma has collaborated internationally. Currently, the company is listed as one of the 29 vaccine producers in the world that has been prequalified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a condition to comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), so that the vaccines of the company can be used in 150 countries.

“In 2019, more than 16 OCI member countries learned directly from us about the distribution of vaccines, when Bio Farma organized the Cold Chain Management System (cold chain) Workshop for member countries of the Cooperation Organization. Islam (OIC), “he explained.

Previously, Bio Farma was also President of the Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network (DCVMN) / Association of Developing Countries Vaccine Producers, for two periods 2012 – 2014 and 2014 – 2016.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(hps / hps)
