Jakarta –
Police arrested 500 people in connection with the PA 212 et al rally that ended in chaos at the horse statue in central Jakarta. Some of the people who were seized were anarcho groups.
“So far, we have arrested about 500 people, including anarcs in the area,” Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Nana Sudjana told reporters at the Bank Indonesia bus stop, Jakarta on Tuesday ( 10/13/2020).
Nana said that the demonstration at the Horse Statue was attended by 6,000 people, consisting of 4,000 participants from the NKIR ANAK action and 2,000 from the liquid mass group. Nana said that initially the action proceeded in an orderly manner, until finally there was a riot at 4:00 p.m. WIB.
“The action went smoothly from 13.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB and as there was agreement to end at 16.00 WIB, when the NKRI CHILDREN finished, they returned. The Anarcho children played, ”said Nana.
Nana said that around 600 people then threw stones at the police, sparking a riot. Initially the police were not provoked, but the masses became increasingly anarchist and the police took firm action.
“There were approximately 600 of them trying to provoke them. Initially we survived, we were not provoked, but they kept throwing stones. Then in that condition we carried out shoves and arrests,” he said.
He also confirmed that until now the police were still trying to encourage the masses. The police anticipated that the masses would not act in an anarchic way.
“Currently we continue to press, so that they do not commit anarchism again, that is destruction, especially arson. We do not hesitate to take legal action,” he added.
(maa / mea)