The government will take action against protesters who rioted


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD affirmed that the government will take firm measures against the perpetrators and the actors who mount the demonstration reject Cipta Kerja Omnibus Law which was tainted by riots in various areas. Decisive steps were taken to create public order.

Mahfud conveyed this as the government’s response to a wave of demonstrations throughout the region organized by workers, students and students who rejected the Employment Creation Law. However, Mahfud did not elaborate on the actors behind the unbridled demonstration of the Cipta Kerja Omnibus Law.

“Once again, the government will take a firm stance and carry out legal proceedings against all perpetrators and actors who mount anarchist actions in the form of crimes,” Mahfud said in a statement in Jakarta on Thursday (10/8). .

Mahfud said that the government regretted the anarchist actions carried out by the masses in certain places. The mob damaged public facilities, burned, wounded officers and carried out looting.

“This action is clearly criminal, it cannot be tolerated and must be stopped,” he said.

In addition, Mahfud said that the demonstration resulted in violence, including actions insensitive to the current conditions in society.

He said that people are currently fighting the pandemic and trying to move the economy.

According to him, the rejection of the Omnibus Law must be done in accordance with the law. One of them is the submission of judicial review or judicial review of the law to the Constitutional Court.

(tst / wis)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
