Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Minister of Manpower (Menaker), Ida Fauziyah, revealed that the government will take funds from the State Budget to support the Job Loss Guarantee (JKP) program.
JKP is an additional program hosted on the newly confirmed Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja Monday (5/10). The JKP guarantee is a protection for employees affected by termination of employment (layoff).
“The seed money for the job loss program (PHK), hopefully the seed money will be taken from the APBN to a maximum of Rs 6 trillion,” Ida said at a joint press conference on the Omnibus Act in Jakarta, on Wednesday (7/10).
Ida did not explain about the placement of the Rs 6 trillion fund later. However, in the draft of the Employment Creation Law that the Administrative Agency of Social Security (BPJS) for Employment, also known as Jamsostek, receives a new mandate. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan will then provide job loss guarantees.
Cited from a draft that has been jointly discussed between the Government and the DPR, the provisions of Part Four on Social Security Administrative Bodies are drawn up.
“BPJS Employment as mentioned in Article 5 paragraph (2) letter b serves to provide work accident insurance programs, death insurance programs, retirement insurance programs, old-age insurance programs and unemployment insurance programs” .
This is established in the Draft Law on Job Creation in article 83 that analyzes various provisions of Law Number 24 of 2021 on BPJS.
In article 46A it is also written that Workers / Workers who experience termination of employment are entitled to a guarantee of losing their employment. Job loss insurance is provided nationwide based on social insurance principles. Job loss security is provided to maintain a decent standard of living when a worker / worker loses their job.
Well, participants must pay the fees in advance. This is how article 46C reads: Any person who has paid contributions is participants in the Job Loss Guarantee. Regarding Article 46D, job loss guarantees can take the form of cash, access to labor market information and job training.
“Job Loss Guarantee (JKP) is a form of protection for laid-off workers, with benefits in the form of cash benefits, training and updating, as well as access to the labor market, so they can get new jobs or open businesses,” said the Coordinating Minister of Economy, Airlangga Hartarto. . The dismissal mechanism also follows the requirements stipulated in the Labor Law.
However, Airlangga ensured that the implementation of the Job Loss Guarantee Program (JKP) did not increase the burden of contributions on workers or employers.
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