The President issues a Presidential Decree on the acquisition, distribution and implementation of the Covid vaccine, these are the contents


ILLUSTRATION. President Joko Widodo issued a Presidential Decree on the acquisition, distribution, and implementation of the Covid-19 vaccine. This is the content.

Reporter: Nurdian Titis | Editor: Nurdian Titis

KONTAN.CO.ID -JAKARTA. President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 99/2020 on Vaccine Procurement and Vaccine Deployment in the Context of the 2019 Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) Pandemic.

In the Presidential Decree signed by Jokowi on October 5, the government regulates the acquisition, vaccination and distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine.

“The acquisition of the Covid-19 vaccine and the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccine referred to in paragraph (1) will be carried out for 2020, 2021 and 2022,” wrote the rules mentioned in article 2 paragraph 4.

The vaccination time can be extended by the COVID-19 Management Committee and National Economic Recovery based on a recommendation from the Minister of Health.

Article 2, paragraph 6, establishes that the government prioritizes the acquisition of the COVID-19 vaccine from within the country.

Read also: Minister of Health: prioritized vaccines for medical personnel and workers from 18 to 59 years old

The parts that can buy vaccines are burned. The BUMN that has been assigned is PT Bio Farma (Persero), the Minister of Health and may involve subsidiaries such as PT Bio Farma (Persero), namely PT Kimia Farma Tbk and PT IndofarmaTbk.

Meanwhile, international institutions / agencies that can participate in the offer or collaboration in the research, production and / or provision of the COVID-19 vaccine are

a) The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI);

b) The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI);

and / or (c.) other international institutions / agencies.

The price of vaccines is set by the minister of health. “The Minister of Health sets the purchase price of the Covid-19 vaccine taking into account the emergency and the limited availability of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health will continue to carry out the COVID-19 vaccination. The Ministry of Health in the implementation of vaccination is authorized to determine: Criteria and priorities for vaccine recipients; Priority vaccine recipient areas; Program and stages of vaccine administration; as well as the level of vaccination services (article 13, paragraph 2).

The vaccine procurement process is carried out by the state company PT Bio Farma (Persero). In the process, Bio Farma collaborates with national and international commercial entities or institutions by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after coordinating with the Ministry of Health.

The Perpres also regulates the authority of the Minister of Health to establish the purchase price of the covid-19 vaccine.

“The Minister of Health sets the purchase price of the covid-19 vaccine taking into account the emergency and the limited availability of the covid-19 vaccine,” said the regulation, cited in a copy of the Presidential Decree, Wednesday (7/10 ).

Read also: The price of the Sinovac Bio Farma vaccine is 200 thousand IDR per dose, aimed at 185.95 million people.

The purchase price of the covid-19 vaccine is made in accordance with good governance, accountability and there is no conflict of interest.

When it happens Force Majeure or force majeure, cooperation to provide the covid-19 vaccine may be discontinued. This force majeure is a condition when an incident occurs against the will of the agreement in the contract.

Then the vaccination process is also carried out by the Ministry of Health. Subsequently, the Ministry of Health must determine the criteria and priorities for vaccine recipients, priority areas for vaccine recipients, the schedule and stages of vaccine administration, and the standard of vaccination services.

Previously, Jokowi targeted a vaccine that would be available soon by the end of 2020.

The government itself continues to develop vaccines both independently and in collaboration with a Chinese company, Sinovac, which is conducting trials of the third phase of the Covid-19 vaccine.

In addition, there are also PT Kimia Farma (Persero) and PT Indo Farma (Persero) with a healthcare technology company from the United Arab Emirates, G42. Regardless, Indonesia is also developing a vaccine through the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology.

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