The Press Council has not received the report of the unified Jokowi volunteers against Najwa Shihab. Page all


JAKARTA, – The chairman of the Press Council’s Press Ethics Compliance and Compliance Commission, Arif Zulkifli, admitted that he had not received a report on the report on journalist and presenter Najwa Shihab from the chairman of Jokowi Bersatu Volunteers.

“So far I have not received a report on the report,” Arif told, Tuesday (10/6/2020).

Arif said that if the Jokowi United Volunteers plan to report this, the Press Council will accept it.

Subsequently, the Press Council will examine whether the case meets the mediation requirements in accordance with Law No. 40 of 1999 on the Press.

Also read: Health Minister Terawan is absent, Najwa Shihab asks an empty chair, what does it mean?

“If they report, they will be accepted and examined if the case meets the mediation requirements by the Press Council in accordance with the Press Law 40/1999,” Arif said.

In Law Number 40 of 1999 on the Press, it is stipulated that the resolution of cases related to press coverage is carried out in the Press Council.

For information, Jokowi Unified Volunteers President Silvia Dewi Soembarto wants to inform Najwa Shihab at Polda Metro Jaya.

The reporting plan is related to the “Mata Najwa” edition of “Menanti Terawan”. However, the police rejected the report because it was within the domain of the Press Council.

Also read: The Jokowi volunteer wants to report Najwa Shihab to the police, but is rejected by the Metropolitan Police

According to Silvia, Najwa’s interview with an empty chair was considered a euphemism for President Joko Widodo.

Health Minister Terawan, Silvia said, is a representative of the president. Therefore, he considered that Najwa Shihab’s treatment was not educational.

He accused Najwa of doing cyber bullying or harassment through technology.

Silvia also presented evidence in the form of video showing an interview with an empty chair and Minister Terawan’s assignment schedule on the same day.

However, when asked about the report number, he admitted that the police had not rejected any aliases. He was asked to consult the Press Council.

Najwa Monologue

Najwa Shihab in a monologue with an empty chair as if there is a Terawan sitting there.

In his monologue, he revealed the anxiety of people who have rarely seen the figure of Health Minister Terawan in the media since the Covid-19 pandemic hit Indonesia.

He considered that there was no more appropriate person to explain the situation of the pandemic in Indonesia, other than Terawan.

Terawan is also considered the most capable of explaining what the state has done to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It is Pak Terawan who has the authority, the access to the budget and provides guidance,” Najwa said.

After that, Najwa started the interview session with an empty chair, as if Health Minister Terawan was sitting in that chair.

Najwa then asked if Indonesia was lost in the early stages of handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Later, he asked about the unnecessary provincial quarantine motion that Terawan had reportedly made.

Questions continued about the Ministry of Health building, which is now one of the Covid-19 groups, as well as about Terawan’s disposition if the Indonesian people ask him to resign.

“It is not just an urgency for the president, because the public, among others, through a petition asked him for his willingness to resign. Are you ready to resign, sir?” Najwa asked again.

Najwa then explained that the questions he asked were part of the audience that were directed at him.

Therefore, he invited Terawan to attend the “Mata Najwa” event that he conducted.

“The Minister of Health, Terawan Agus Putranto. The time and place are welcome,” he said.

When confirmed by, Najwa admitted that he had often invited Terawan to attend the “Mata Najwa” event.

He had broadcast the invitation long before the “Mata Najwa” edition of the “Menanti Terawan” video was made on social media.

“Almost every week I always send invitations. Every episode about the pandemic,” Najwa told

Najwa said the invitation he made was not always answered by the Minister of Health.

Once answered, the Minister of Health admitted that they could not attend due to tight schedules.

“Once we answered that it couldn’t be because of the schedule, and then we always offered to arrange the interview to fit the time with Pak Terawan’s schedule,” he said.

However, after “Mata Najwa” offered to do an interview according to the schedule of Minister of Health Terawan, again there was no further response from the Minister of Health.

“But every week we always send out invitations to remember,” Najwa said.
