DIY NEWS – There is a possibility that the pre-employment card of lot 11 will be opened, although not in the short term.
The total number of pre-employment card beneficiaries after registration close for lot 9 on September 21 has reached 5,480,918 or 98 percent of the total quota in 2020, which amounted to 5,597,183 people.
The remaining quota of 116,261 was absorbed through registration batch 10. Thus, the total quota of 5.6 million applicants for the Pre-Employment Card was met.
Also read: The leak of the 11th wave of pre-employment card registration quota was opened, those who never passed do not be sad
However, there were participants whose membership was revoked because they were not taken advantage of. As of today, 189,436 people have been revoked and will increase.
From this withdrawal of participation, a total of Rs 672.49 billion was returned to the General State Treasury Account (RKUN). The Employment Creation Committee will decide how and when the funds returned to this RKUN will be recovered and allocated to other participants.
Also read: There is a remaining quota of hundreds of thousands of participants, when will the registration open for the pre-employment cards of lot 11?
So how do you approve if the Batch 11 pre-employment card is opened?
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