The workers plan a nationwide strike on October 6-8. This step is taken as a form of rejection of the General Law Cipta Kerja Law Plan (RUU).
What has the national strike action plan been like so far? Are you still going?
“Until this afternoon, 25 provinces of the 32 federations and confederations are ready to join. There are about 3,000 companies, not all. There are middle and upper classes, some are small. But the small class does not participate, much less UMKM. medium and large companies, automotive, electronics, retail, pharmaceutical, chemical, energy. An estimated 2 million people, “said the president of the Indonesian Workers’ Trade Unions Confederation (KSPI), Iqbal told detikcom, on Friday (10/2/2020).
These 2 million workers will carry out demonstrations in a dispersed way and will prioritize within the company / factory environment. This is done to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during the demonstration.
“First, it is the election for a mass demonstration in the DPR building. I do not agree because there are fears that the Corona pandemic will become a new group. We can demonstrate, but we cannot sacrifice people’s lives. Yes Hundreds of thousands are from Java, East Java, Central Java, Jakarta, representatives of Sumatra. But we rejected it, because it was dangerous. Second, all the regions took great action, in my opinion it was dangerous by the crowd, “he explained Iqbal.
Later, it will be the president of the company union who will participate in the conduct of the demonstration.
“In a company or factory, the protocol is great. So the crowd will divide. So there are those who stay in the factory, but do not work, they stop production. Some are in the dining room, in the parking lot, etc. in the company that he is going to coordinate ”, he added.
What is the real purpose of the national workers’ strike? Click immediately on the next page.