Mahfud MD calls Jakarta the first place for Covid-19 Even though there is no Pilkada, is it logical? All pages


JAKARTA, – The statement of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) that states that the spread of Covid-19 in DKI Jakarta has increased, despite the fact that Pilkada 2020 did not generate controversy in the community

Mahfud compared it to the regions that celebrated Pilkada 2020, which he felt had actually seen a decrease in cases.

According to him, the regions administering regional elections that were included in the Covid-19 red zone were reduced from 45 to 29 regions.

Also read: Mahfud rated DKI as the first place in Covid-19 transmission even though it did not rank Pilkada

Meanwhile, in areas that did not hold regional elections, the red zone went from 25 to 33 regions last week.

Then Mahfud concluded that the vulnerability of Covid-19 did not depend on the celebration of the Pilkada 2020.

This statement was also responded to by various parties, including epidemiologists.

Griffith University epidemiologist Dicky Budiman said these claims were unfounded.

The impression of decreasing cases in the regions that have Pilkada is due to low testing capacity.

Also read: Mahfud calls Jakarta the first place in the transmission of Covid-19, the epidemiologist gives a logical explanation

Dicky said that when measuring the condition of an area one must refer to correct and responsible epidemiological data.

“So it must be understood on the basis of a proper understanding of epidemic science,” Dicky told, Friday (02/10/2020).

Positivity rate low

Dicky also mentioned that the management of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is currently not optimal. Even Dicky said that the zoning system imposed by the Covid-19 Management Task Force was invalid.

This is because there are many areas where testability is far from ideal.

“It should not only refer to one test per 1,000 people per week, but it should also be based on the severity of the pandemic in the region,” he said.

Other than that, positivity rate in Indonesia for the past three months it has never been below 10 percent. This means that the prevalence rate in the country is very high.

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Workers wearing masks as they walk to their respective offices in Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, on Monday (9/14/2020).  PSBB was re-implemented on September 14, 2020, various activities were again restricted, namely office activities, business, transportation, to public facilities.PSBB Jakarta September 14, 2020 Workers wearing masks as they walk to their respective offices in Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, on Monday (9/14/2020). PSBB was re-implemented on September 14, 2020, various activities were again restricted, namely office activities, business, transportation, to public facilities.

Massive test

Dicky said broadcasting at DKI Jakarta was considered the highest because test coverage far outperformed other areas.

“This Jakarta is really visible testsIt is far beyond any other district, though trackingit’s still homework, “said Dicky.

Therefore, if you want to know the conditions in other areas, the government must set its testing schedule.

He recalled that each region currently has the same serious problems as DKI Jakarta.

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So, according to Dicky, if the government wants to say that the condition of an area is safer, the government must prove it.

The test was carried out by performing the same test as that carried out by DKI Jakarta.

“So that there is no solid, valid basis to affirm that this area is safer, the area that there is is not,” he said.

The government also needs to improve its testing and handling system. With this, Dicky hopes that there will be no statements that claim the safety of an area.

Also read: Mahfud’s statement on DKI Jakarta as the first winner of the Covid-19 broadcast is considered irrelevant
