LPDP Scholarships Open Registration, Here Are 5 Important Things You Need To Know



The LPDP (Education Fund Management Institution) will reopen enrollment on October 6, 2020. This is good news for many students amid the Corona pandemic. Reporting from your Instagram account, LPDP offers two types of services, namely scholarships for educators and scholarships for the world’s leading universities. Do you intend to get LPDP scholarship? Here are some things you need to know before registering.

Types of scholarships

This year’s LPDP should have opened the record in March, but it’s getting old because of Corona. Finally, the selection of the scholarship program sponsored by the Ministry of Finance will begin. This time, there are two types of scholarships to be awarded, namely for educators, that is, teachers or professors and students. The programs offered for each category are the higher education levels, namely S2 and S3.

Syarat Beasiswa LPDP

For those of you who intend to register with LPDP, you must of course know the scholarship requirements to be accepted. On the IDP website, several general requirements are mentioned for those of you who want to take the LPDP scholarship, as follows.

1. Indonesian citizen
2. Have graduated from S1 (undergraduate program) or S2 (master’s program) studies from: national tertiary institutions, accredited by BAN-PT (National Board of Higher Education Accreditation); National official universities, foreign universities recognized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia or the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the country of origin of the tertiary institution.
3. If you are working, you must attach a permit to participate in the selection process of the human resources department (HRD)
4. As a participant of a foreign scholarship, you must attach 3 types of health certificates, namely, a certificate of physical health and drug-free, and a complementary certificate of tuberculosis-free, from a doctor from a public hospital.
5. Attach a letter of recommendation from the leader, figure, or expert in your field.
6. Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 for S2 applicants and a minimum of 3.2 for S3 applicants.
7. For programs in English-speaking countries, S2 applicants must demonstrate fluency in English, for example, with a minimum IELTS of 6.5 and S2 applicants at least 7.0 unless they are graduates of foreign universities.
8. Scholarships are only for regular classes
9. Attach a study plan (master program) that contains the study plan of the study program to be taken.
10. Write a study proposal
11. Attach a research proposal for applicants for the doctoral program
12. Sign a statement stating that: applicants are willing to return to Indonesia after completing their studies, applicants are not and will not receive scholarships from other sources, applicants are not breaking the law or following organizations that are against the ideology of Pancasila, applicants are not involved in actions that violate the academic code of ethics, always serve the interests of the Indonesian nation, are loyal to the Republic of Indonesia, and can meet the requirements set by the LPDP, applicants present data correctly, according to the original documents. And willing to accept legal sanctions if the document is invalid.
13. Applicants for the master’s level have a maximum of 35 years and the doctoral level is a maximum of 40 years.
14. Have an unconditional LoA from a tertiary institution registered with the LPDP (specifically for doctoral level)
15. Choose study programs and colleges that are in accordance with the provisions of the LPDP
16. The execution of the school period does not exceed the time determined by the university.
17. If there is falsification of data, prepare to remove it from LPDP
18. Bring SKKB / SKCK from the police at the time of interview selection.

Online registration

It was stated in the Instagram post that along with the opening of the online registration, more information about the requirements for the LDPD scholarships, a list of LDPD universities, selection stages and other provisions would be presented. Enrollment itself will open on Tuesday (6/10/2020) next week via Scholarship.lpdp.kemenkeu.go.id.

Selection stage

Generally, the LPDP selection stage is divided into two. Each stage carries out four processes, namely registration, administrative selection and computer selection. If it is declared that the applicant does not pass the first three processes, he is allowed to try again in the next selection. Once the three processes have been passed, an interview will be held for the fourth process.

Recipients of the LPDP Scholarship 2020

The goal of the LPDP scholarship awarded this year is said to be around 4,000, which is almost double the previous one. 65% of the scholarships are awarded to beneficiaries who enroll in national universities and the rest are universities abroad. In 2020, the LPDP provides tuition support for 42 national universities and 275 foreign universities.

(love love)
