Blitar AKBP Police Chief Ahmad Fanani Eko Prasetya (Photo: Farian).
“I never mentioned an animal. Sampean knows for himself. Where have I been like this?” Fanani said.
SuaraJatim.id – Blitar AKBP Police Chief Ahmad Fanani Eko Prasetya was reported to the East Java Regional Police by his own member, Kasatsabhara AKP Agus Tri Susetyo.
The report was submitted when you submitted an application. Give up or resigned from the Republic of Indonesia Police to the East Java Regional Police, on Thursday (10/1/2020).
AKP Agus decided to resign from the police because he admitted that he could not bear the frequent scolding of AKBP Fanani. It is even said that Fanani often calls the animals when he is angry.
“I never mentioned an animal. Sampean knows for himself. Where have I been like this?” Fanani said upon being cleared by SuaraJatim the same day.
Fanani explained that the anger directed at Agus Tri was due to the hair problem. The story is that one of Sat Sabhara’s staff was caught disorderly. The members’ hair is long and as if they were left alone. Then he got mad at Agus.
The event occurred when the Blitar Police carried out a judicial operation. The member’s long hair was discovered on the block before setting off for the raid.
After these events, the relationship between the two became less than harmonious. Before finally reporting to the East Java Regional Police, Agus had asked Fanani to apologize, but he ignored it.
“Why should I apologize? Yeah, I don’t want it. Wow, I warn you in terms of kindness, it’s not just because I’m mean,” he said.
“As for the threat of being removed, let alone him, the police chief can be removed if he does not take firm action,” he said.
Fanani admitted that during his tenure in the Blitar Police, he had only criticized Agus once. So what about the term bencong that Fanani said was often thrown at him?
“I do not call it bencong. I say it should not allow members to have long hair like bencong,” Abituren Akpol 2000 said.
When submitting a request to resign to the East Java Regional Police, Agus also denounced Fanani about the abandonment case of the sand mine and the existence of a cockfighting arena. Fanani admitted that she never received a penny for the existence of these two things.
“When it comes to mining, it’s mine for the people. If we shut it down, how do people make a living? If it’s cockfighting, ask them. If they know what it means they get (tribute),” he said.
“If I had known, I should have arrested him. May I ask the children where I got (tribute)? If I am clear, there are warrants. There are penalties,” he said.
Fanani asked all her members to work well. Serving in the Blitar Police should be something to be thankful for because it is close to home and family.
Collaborators: Farian