Full statement from Amien Rais announcing the Ummat match



Amien Rais officially announced his new party called the Ummat Party. Amien Rais wants to fight injustice through the Ummat Party.

The announcement of the name of Amien Rais’s new party, the Ummat Party, was broadcast directly by the former MPR president on his official YouTube account on Thursday (01/10/2020). Amien Rais speaks of the two mandates of the Qur’an.

“First, do al amru bil ma’ruf Y an-nahyu ‘anil munkar, that is, order the righteousness of virtue and eradicate evil. Second, run al amru bil ‘adli Y an-nahyu ‘anidzulmi which is to defend justice and eradicate tyranny, “said Amien Rais.

Amien Rais also explained the determination of the Ummah Party. With takbir, Amien Rais closed the explanation of the Ummah Party preamble.

The following is the full statement from Amien Rais announcing the Ummat Party:

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Introduction to the Ummah Party.

We, the holy Qur’an, encourage believers to live life in the world, they always keep the two commandments of Allah SWT simultaneously.

First, do amru bil ma’ruf and an-nahyu ‘anil munkar, which is to order the righteousness of virtue and eradicate evil. Second, to carry out amru bil ‘adli and an-nahyu’ anidzulmi, which is to defend justice and eradicate tyranny.

If the first moves more at the personal, family and community level (micro level), the second moves more at the national level (macro level) and is closely related to issues of power.

The history of humanity shows that only one country is capable of committing a colossal tyranny, but on the contrary, only one country can defend justice equally. By having complete facilities and apparatus and the greatest power, Neara can launch political tyranny, economic tyranny, social tyranny, legal tyranny, and even humanitarian tyranny.

But only the country can defend justice for all its people. Everything depends on the government in power, whether it is defending the interests of the people and the ummah or defending the interests of conglomerates and corporations. In the end, a group of human beings must strive to defend justice and systematically fight against tyranny through political struggle.

The Ummah Party, God willing, is determined to work and fight with the children of other nations against tyranny and defend justice.

The Ummah Party will work and strive to defend the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and all the rules of universal democracy.

Finally iyyaaka na’budu wa iyyaka nasta’iin. Only God we worship and only Him we ask for help. Allahu Akbar | Merdeka!

Watch the video ‘Amien Rais’ Ummat Party Basics’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(gbr / tor)
