Revealed! The trigger for the emergence of the Covid-19 cluster from office to home


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Covid-19 Management Working Group identified several clusters that occurred throughout the pandemic, from clusters of offices, families, markets, meetings to healthcare facilities. The existence of these groups actually occurs because anything a person does can have an effect and carry the risk of transmission.

The head of data and information technology for the Covid-19 Task Force, Dewi Nur Aisyah, said that this group was discovered after surveillance personnel carried out epidemiological investigations and contact tracing when a patient was positive. Dewi said that what happens most often is that a positive person can infect other members of the family.

“But there are also families that are not positive why they are not positive, why is that, because the duration with this positive is how long, how often and if when interacting, distance is maintained and a clean and clean lifestyle is applied. healthy, including the immune system. ” Dewo said, Wednesday (09/30/2020).

Dewi emphasized that what must be understood is that many times family members are positive because there are activities outside the home and taking them home. Even this family group is also one of the causes of office groups.

“There are groups in certain offices that he brought from home. Why do they end up receiving so many people? When health protocols are properly implemented, the risk will be greatly reduced,” Dewi said.

Health protocols should be implemented everywhere, i.e. wearing masks, keeping distance, wearing masks, and washing hands. This is because each member of the family must be able to identify who has the potential to be a source of infection.

Dewi also said to cut back on social activities because there is a risk of being taken home.

“Don’t go for walks or picnics in crowded places,” he said.

What are often found next are office groups. Dewi said there were positive cases of an office because there were employees who went on vacation together at the end of July and did not apply health protocols throughout the trip. As a result, when they returned to work, they infected other colleagues, thus creating a cluster of offices.

He emphasized that masks should be used in any condition, because with a three-layer fabric mask, the potential for transmission can be reduced by 45%. Meanwhile, the risk of cloth masks with the equivalent of a surgical mask is reduced to 70%.

“If we know a lot of people, we suggest a cloth mask that is equivalent in filtration to a surgical mask,” Dewi said.

In addition, you should continue to wash your hands properly, to prevent drops from falling on important items. Group meetings also happen often, because they are in the same room and they remove their masks when they eat or drink in the meeting activities.

There is also a market group that is even more complex because it is a place where people come together, from market groups that can trigger family groups and create multiple groups.

“It was traced from positive patients who have activities in the same market, then it can become a family group. Therefore, we have to use the health protocol correctly, which should be done to prevent market groups, if we can we go online, we shop online first, “he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(Hello Hello)
