The Ministry of Education and Culture revokes Alvin Lie’s fee subsidy starting next month


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Ministry of Education and Culture (Ministry of Education and Culture) will evaluate the distribution subsidized fee after the case of the Indonesian Ombudsman Alvin lie Join the stream of subsidies for fees up to 50 gigabytes.

“There is a case like that of Mr. Alvin Lie, for the following month we will not give it again. Because the interested party does not need it,” he said via videoconference on Tuesday (9/29).

“So this is evaluation material for the next stage. If the quota has beendeliver it cannot be withdrawn. But we are evaluating again to make our program more specific, “Hasan added.

The case of Alvin Lie who received a quota subsidy from the Ministry of Education and Culture was the center of attention and was deemed not on target. At the time, the Ministry of Education and Culture argued that Alvin Lie received a quota subsidy in his capacity as a doctoral student.

Kemendikbud does not establish strict conditions to subsidize quotas. Some of them only need to have an active cell phone number, registered in Basic Education Data (Dapodik) and Higher Education Database (PDDikti), and they are active in this academic year.

In this case, he said schools and campuses were tasked with verifying cell phone numbers given to the Ministry of Education and Culture. This is to ensure that the quota grant is awarded on target. He admitted that this was difficult for his party.

“Who best knows who will receive the fee assistance is who is in the education unit or campus. We cannot confirm if the 27 million who received it are eligible or not. Because their positions are varied and varied,” he continued.

The subsidy fee, he said, received a huge amount because his party found that the pandemic had an impact on all levels of society. Whether in town or in the city.

Hasan emphasized that there is a possibility that students and educators will not register their cell phone numbers because they feel capable. He suspects this is due to the number of grant recipients in September that only reached 27.3 million people, including students and educators.

Compared to the number of students, teachers, students and teachers as a whole, this figure is much lower. To quote Dapodik, there are 52.2 million students and 3.1 million teachers in Indonesia. Meanwhile, PDDikti registered 8.3 million students and 286 thousand teachers.

Hasan suspects this is due to inaccurate data on cell phone numbers entered by schools and campuses, so they need to be repaired. Or those who are eligible for grants feel no need and choose not to register.

Meanwhile, he claims that the number of schools that do not have an Internet network is not massive. Dapodik noted that there were 434,456 schools from early childhood to special school levels. It is recorded that 81 percent of schools have Internet networks.

He also confirmed this information to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. They claim that 71 percent of schools already have an internet network, so the estimate is that there are 130 thousand schools that do not have an internet network.

The second phase of dues assistance for this month is still distributed until September 30. In a first stage, the Ministry of Education and Culture has distributed quotas to 9.6 million recipients. And up to 17.7 million other recipients will receive quotas in the second phase of distribution.

(fey / wis)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
