Gatot protests OUR event dissolved, police give an explanation



The masses who are members of the Indonesian Stay Safe Coalition (KITA) rejected the WE East Java meeting in Surabaya. The event was attended by one of OUR declarators, Gatot Nurmantyo.

According to detikcom, the KITA crowd came to a place in Jalan Jambangan Kebon Agung No 76, Surabaya. They rejected the American event that took place in Surabaya.

During the action they brought several posters of rejection. For example, the words ‘NKRI Tape = Reject USA’, ‘Indonesia belongs to us, not USA’ And ‘Reject noise generators and without solutions’.

They gathered at the UKM Jambangan Center for action and prayer. Shortly after protesters staged a protest action, Gatot Nurmantyo left the Jabal Nur building at Jalan Jambangan No. 76. The building became a meeting place for Gatot with various community leaders from various regions of East Java.

Escorted by several people, Gatot finally left the scene in a black car. Meanwhile, the protesters continued to give their rejection speeches. In fact, apart from the massive KITA rally, the police also stopped Gatot’s meeting.

“So we have to follow what the police officers are doing. It’s all over. Here to meet with community leaders, then go to Gedung Juang at 10.00 WIB. Disbanded here. Yes, we are citizens, right?” Gatot told reporters in Jalan Jambangan Kebon Agung, Surabaya, on Monday (9/28/2020).
