Akmal Taher, urology expert who has retired from the Corona Task Force



Professor Akmal Taher decided to resign from his position as Head of Health Management in the COVID-19 Working Group. During his career, Akmal was known as a professor at the University of Indonesia School of Medicine.

Quoted from the official UI website, Akmal is known as an expert in Urology, a medical science that studies urinary tract disorders. In addition to being a professor, Akmal Taher has served as the presiding director of the Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta and the elected president of the Indonesian Association of Urologists.

He is also an active speaker at International Scientific Meetings (11 forums until 2002) and National (90 forums until 2003).

Akmal Taher was born in Jakarta on July 27, 1955. He was a student at Kanisius Jakarta High School in 1974 and continued his general doctor education at the University of Indonesia School of Medicine in 1980.

Furthermore, Akmal continued his education in the field of Urology Specialist FK UI in 1988 and obtained the title of Doctor of Medikus Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany (1993), and Doctor of FK UI Jakarta (1993).

Akmal Taher is also actively involved in training activities, one of which is training in new epididymovasostomy surgery techniques at Cornell Medical Center, New York, USA (2003).

For his perseverance, Akmal has also won several awards, including Satyalancana Karya Satya 20 Years (2004); the second best winner in the ‘Medika Award’ in a scientific article in Medika magazine (2002), the best result in the ‘Excellent Integrated Research’ of the Minister of Research and Technology (1997), the All Star Galamedika Award (1996) , Grosshardener Innovationpreis, Germany (1994), ‘Best young researcher’ in the health sector LIPI Indonesia (1993).

See also ‘Covid-19 Task Force: Pilkada is important, but remember there are risks’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]
