Permission revoked, Dangdut concert organized by Tegal DPRD vice president continues to operate, attended by thousands of people

[ad_1] – In the midst of the pandemic, Tegal DPRD Vice President Wasmad Edi Susilo continued to hold a celebration with a dangdut concert attended by thousands of people in Tegal Selatan Square, city of Tegal, on Wednesday night (23 / 9/2020).

Of follow up Kompas. with on the pitch, the oncoming spectators do not keep their distance and most of the spectators do not wear masks.

“It’s okay. I’m healthy,” said Saputra (23), one of the spectators who arrived with a dozen friends at South Tegal Field.

Also read: The Dangdut concert performed by the vice president of the DPRD of Tegal does not have police permission

Unlike Saputra, there are also residents who still wear masks and watch the stage from a distance.

“I chose to watch from the screen on stage. Because I’m also afraid that the crown case is shooting up,” said Kusnaenah (47), an audience who came with her husband.

Kusnaenah said the dangdut event at the wedding and circumcision had been performed since Wednesday afternoon.

“My husband said that this afternoon he also performed his dangdut, but I was only able to see him at night,” she said.

Also read: Tegal DPRD members held a performance in Dangdutan to generate crowds, Ganjar: Resilience

You do not have a police permit

Illustration.IT IS Illustration.

The dangdut concert at the celebration apparently did not have the permission of the police.

According to South Tegal Police Chief Komol Joeharno, the host had requested permission to host a wedding party since September 1, 2020.

Initially, the host requested permission to perform a simple dangdut show with a small stage to entertain the guests. Additionally, the host also agreed to implement health protocols during the party.

“Pak Wasmad Edi Susilo, who is in fact the vice president of the City of Tegal DPRD, requested permission on September 1 to arrange the marriage and circumcision of his son,” Joeharno said when contacted by phone on Thursday (24 / 9/2020).

Also read: The pandemic is not over, there is a dangdut concert that creates a crowd in Tegal

It turned out that on D-day, the host held a magnificent concert with a large stage. Knowing this, the local police immediately revoked the permit in the hope that the host would not continue the event.

But in reality, dangdut concerts still ran into the evening and thousands of people attended.

“So initially I proposed not to hold a big concert, but for the entertainment of the guests. It turns out that on the day of the event, or in the afternoon, there is entertainment with a large stage. So I revoked my permission that day so that it would not continue for the night, “Joeharno said.

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He said the host continued the event into the evening reasoning that he had already prepared the event.

Furthermore, the host stated that he would not involve the TNI Polri and that he would take the risks himself.

“As this activity has been prepared, he (the host) stated that he would not involve TNI and Polri for safety reasons and that he himself would assume all risks that arise,” said Joeharno.

As he did not have a permit, Joeharno said that the concert was an illegal event.

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“This means that it is an illegal act. Because the permission granted is not in accordance with the initial proposal, until the permit is finally revoked. So there is no security for the members that night,” he said.

Although the permit was revoked, the police did not stop the concert on the grounds that there were few police personnel at the station.

“Do not dare to close it by force considering that we of the Police do not have a significant force. The second reason is not good, it feels like we step onto the stage to stop hard, ”he said.

“We actually hoped that there was a policy or wisdom to cancel the concert. But apparently it did not take place and even the activities continued,” he explained.

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Dangdutan poster goes viral, Ganjar follows comments

Governor of Central Java, Ganjar FARASONALIA Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo

Before the dangdut concert took place, the party poster held by the vice president of Tegal DPRD went viral on social media.

The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, even responded to the poster’s upload on his Twitter account.

“Yes, many people have told me to ask for the dissolution. But I still don’t know how this will be,” he explained.

Ganjar admitted that he had contacted the Tegal deputy mayor about the dangdutan stage.

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“So don’t allow it. If it should be allowed, it should be limited. It doesn’t matter anything related to qobul consent marriage. Later, the party will wait after Covid-19. So I ask the regents / mayors abstain first, “Ganjar said when they met in Puri Gedeh, Wednesday (9/23/2020).

Although the case of Covid-19 in the city of Tegal is quite mild, activities that have the potential to crowd should not take place.

“In fact, the information on the sum of cases is not too high, but that does not mean that the city is neglecting. Of course, the deputy feels bad because it is the case of the direction of the board if I am not mistaken,” He said.

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Ganjar asked legislators to set a good example for the community.

“Please reduce the crowd first. For politicians, state officials, local officials, let’s set a good example for the community,” he said.

in the meantime trying to ask DPRD vice president Wasmad Edi Susilo for confirmation. However, Wasmad Edi is known to be absent from the DPRD office.

Until this news was written, phone lines and WhatsApp messages were sent for confirmation I have not received a response.

SOURCE: (Author: Tresno Setiadi, Riska Farasonalia | Publisher: Teuku Muhammad Valdy Arief, Khairina)
