Bandung –
A man destroys a mosque in the Dago area of Bandung. The man known by the initials DB suddenly came and threw it away.
The launching action was carried out by the perpetrator at Nurul Jamil Mosque in Jalan Bukit Dago Selatan, Coblong District, Bandung City, on Wednesday (9/23/2020). The incident is known to have occurred at 06.00 WIB.
“So at six in the morning, this DB walked and suddenly threw into the mosque so that the glass was broken,” Bandung Police Chief Kombes Ulung Sampurna Jaya said at Bandung Police Headquarters, Jalan Jawa, Bandung City, on Wednesday (9/23/2020).
At that moment, one of the administrators of the mosque caught the action of the perpetrator. When he was reprimanded, Ulung said the man ran and was chased by the DKM board.
“Once he was chased, because before when he was thrown he ran, then an arrest was made. DKM discovered that DKM management arrested him and reported him to the police and he was taken to the police station,” he said.
A man was thrown into a mosque in Bandung. You can see that the glass in this mosque is broken. (Photo: Dony Indra Ramadhan / detikcom)
Ulung said the man ran over the building that was the mosque and the office of the mosque secretariat. As a result, there are three points of damage to the building’s glass.
“There are three points (to throw),” Ulung said.
(dir / bbn)