Here’s how to get a free government internet quota



The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has distributed free internet quota assistance starting today Tuesday (9/22/2020). If you haven’t received it, you know how to get a free government internet quota.

Information collected by detikINET from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Tuesday (9/22/2020), this assistance is intended for those who are Early Childhood Education (PAUD), students, teachers, students and lecturers. Each person gets a different amount of free internet quota to meet distance learning (PJJ) or online learning needs during COVID-19.

Here’s how to get your free government internet quota:

1. The school is registered with the Ministry of Education and Culture.

In order to receive free internet quota assistance from the government, the Ministry of Education and Culture stated that PAUD education providers / institutions and primary and secondary education levels must have a National School Identification Number (NPSN) and be registered with the Basic Education Data application (Dapodik).

After that, the educational unit operator makes sure that they are registered in the Education and Culture Data Management Network and they enter the data of the cell phone number of the educators and students in the Dapodik app.

Meanwhile, at the higher education level, the Ministry of Education and Culture explained that universities must be registered in the PDDikti application and PDDikti higher education managers enter the cell phone numbers of the application’s students and professors in the PDDikti application.

2. Kemendikbud validates the data

The Data and Information Technology Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture then collects data on the cell phone numbers of educators and students from the Dapodik and PDDikti apps. The Ministry of Education and Culture revealed that cell operators cooperate with the Center for Data and Information Technology to verify whether these cell phone numbers are active as recipients of free assistance from government internet fees.

It is noted that leaders and operators of educational units can view the results of the verification of cellular operators on the validation verification page on the pages and PDDikti.

“As one of the mechanisms to guarantee the accuracy of the data, the leaders of the educational units must issue a Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM) that establishes that they are responsible for the accuracy of the data of the cell phone number entered,” he said. the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ainun Na’im.

For PAUD, primary and secondary education, the educational unit leader uploads the SPTJM on the validation verification page ( Regarding higher education level, the head of the education unit uploads the SPTJM on the Dikti quota page (

3. Free Internet Fee Assistance Distributed

Cell phone operators will send free assistance with Internet fees to mobile numbers that are active and that have been posted to the SPTJM according to the distribution schedule.

Watch video “The principal and the student’s tutor complained about the difficulty of the PBJJ fees
[Gambas:Video 20detik](eight / fay)
