Still not registered? This is how to get free internet quota, Mas Nadiem


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim began distributing free internet quotas for online learning to students starting today (9/22/2020). So what about the ones who haven’t signed up?

It turns out that the registry has not been closed. Those of you who previously registered late can still get a free internet quota for distance learning.

“In principle, the Dapodik application and the PD DIktu application as a data source continue to be open to provide opportunities for parties who have the right and have problems with registration,” said the head of the Office of Cooperation and Public Relations of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Evy Mulyani to CNBC Indonesia, on Tuesday (9/22/2020).

For those of you who are registering late, you need to make sure you have a National School Identification Number (NPSN) and are registered in the Basic Education Data app (Dapokdik). The student or student then registers a cell phone number at the school or campus.

After that, the educational unit operators make sure that they are registered in the Education and Culture Data Management Network and enter the cell phone numbers of teachers and professors as well as students and students in the Dapodik app. .

“Meanwhile, at the tertiary level, higher education should register in the PDDikti application and PDDikti management of higher education input data in the cell phone numbers of students and teachers in the PDDikti application,” said the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ainun Na’im in Jakarta.

In addition, the Data and Information Technology Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture collects data on the mobile phone numbers of educators and students from the Dapodik and PDDikti applications. Mobile phone operators work with the Data and Information Technology Center to check whether these mobile phone numbers are active.

“As one of the mechanisms to ensure the accuracy of the data, the leaders of the education units must issue a Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM) stating that they are responsible for the accuracy of the cell phone number entered,” Ainun said.

Based on the technical guidelines, PAUD students will get an internet quota of 20GB per month, SD, SMP and SMA students will get 35GB, and PAUD to SMA teachers will get 42GB. Teachers and students will get a free internet quota of 50 GB.

Lest I be mistaken, here is the distribution schedule for the free internet quota for online learning initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture:

A. Assistance for Internet data quota for the first month:

  • phase I from September 22 to 24, 2020.
  • Phase II from September 28 to 30, 2020.

B. Assistance for Internet data quota for the second month:

  • phase I from October 22 to 24, 2020.
  • phase II from October 28 to October 30, 202 0

C. Internet data quota assistance for the third and fourth months is sent simultaneously:

  • phase I from November 22 to 24, 2020.
  • Phase II from November 28 to 30, 2020.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(roy / miq)
