20 million potential tsunami to hit Java, this said LIPI


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Research results from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) reveal that the seismic gap in the Indonesian ocean, to be precise in southern Java, has the potential to be a source of a large public address earthquake that can cause a tsunami of up to 20 meters.

“Research published by ITB offers strong scientific reasons to improve disaster preparedness for the earthquake and tsunami in the southern Indian Ocean, Java,” said the director of the Deep Sea Research Center of the Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI ), Nugroho Dwi Hananto in Jakarta, as quoted. from CNNIndonesia.com on Monday (9/21/2020).

He explained that based on research carried out this year, there is a mound structure that extends into the depression area at a depth of 4-5 thousand meters above sea level. This discovery led him to suspect that this was the cause of the tsunami in the Mentawai Islands in October 2010.

He also said that the earthquake that triggered the tsunami was listed as a medium earthquake with a magnitude less than 8. Meanwhile, in 2006 a large tsunami hit the southern coast of Java in and around Pangandaran. This incident, of which it is not known with certainty how the mechanism of generation and propagation is detailed.

In addition, he requested that research in marine geosciences be carried out in a more detailed, structured and massive way. Because according to him, this research can be used to mitigate disasters in the future.

According to him, the results of the ITB investigation could be followed by further investigations on three things. The first is the structure of the mega-flow zone in southern Java, especially in areas suspected of being seismic gaps using the underwater seismometer record.

Second, detailed mapping of the seabed in the seismic gap. Which map is important to obtain a wave propagation model and a tsunami base?

The third is to study the detailed underground structures of seismic areas to find out where there are structures that have the potential to generate tsunami waves. This is especially true when there are medium and large earthquakes.

“It is expected that a more detailed model of the mega-attack area will be obtained,” he concluded.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(drums / drums)
