New Kemendikbud Curriculum: Computer Science is a Required Subject


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

New curriculum Being simplified will make computer science subjects a compulsory subject at the secondary school (SMP) and upper secondary school (SMA) levels.

This is revealed in the presentation document of the socialization of curricular simplification and evaluation belonging to the Ministry of Education and Culture (Ministry of Education and Culture). On the screen, there are a number of subject changes found in the new curriculum.

In the 10th grade of SMA, there are many changes and simplifications of subjects. There are two new subjects that students must follow, namely computer science and character development programs. Meanwhile, Mandarin language and literature lessons were dropped.

Later, biology, physics, and chemistry were combined into science. Indonesia’s history and economics lessons were turned into IPS. Cultural arts and crafts and entrepreneurship lessons are combined into arts and crafts.

In addition, for grades 11 and 12 at the high school level, advanced computer science subjects are grouped as electives for the science major. It is the same as history, which is the subject of choice for a career in social studies. Therefore, students can choose or not choose the lesson.

At the high school level, computer science and arts and crafts are separated. These lessons become their own subjects. In the 2013 curriculum, the two were combined in crafts and computer science.

There has been little change in the number or proportion of subjects at the secondary school level. Most of the changes focus on the competence and content of the subject.

Meanwhile, at the elementary level, subject changes focus on the ratio of learning hours to strengthen the foundation of student proficiency and character development.

The director of the Center for Curriculum and Book of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Maman Fathurrahman, said that the presentation of the draft of the simplified curriculum is still in the process of internal discussion.

“What is circulating is in the form of academic studies, still processing and receiving a lot of input from various parties,” he said. via short message, Monday (9/21).

Additionally, the Ministry of Education and Culture also budgeted Rs 1.49 trillion as an effort to digitize schools. The budget will be used to provide ICT facilities in schools, strengthen digital platforms, develop learning content on TVRI and digital education learning materials.

Previously, Maman stated that the new curriculum could be implemented in the 2022 school year. The curriculum resulting from this simplification has only been implemented to a limited extent as of the 2021 school year.

“The results of the simplification of the curriculum and various related regulations can (be implemented) in 2022,” he said.

This change in the curriculum is hotly debated after history lessons are removed as a required subject.

Education and Culture Minister Nobody Makarim stressed that the decision is still under discussion and that history subjects will not be removed from the curriculum.

He said there were dozens of different versions of the curriculum structure that were still being discussed and would be tested by the public.

(fey / fra)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
