These are the requirements to obtain Rp.500 thousand per KK and how to verify it


PRECISION JOURNAL – The government provides various social assistance efforts and programs for the community with the aim of reducing the burden on society and increasing purchasing power in the midst of a pandemic.

The government has previously launched several aid programs as a safety net against a pandemic.

The various grants include PKH assistance, Rp.600 wage subsidy assistance (BSU), food assistance, pre-employment cards and basic food cards.

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This September, the government plans to disburse the Social Assistance (Bansos) delivered to each head of the family with a nominal value of 500 thousand rupees.

The government provides social assistance worth Rs 500,000 through the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General for the Management of the Poor (Ditjen PFM).

This additional social assistance program is directed to the beneficiary families (KPM) of the non-basic food program (PKH) of the Family Hope Program (PKH).

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“Up to 9 million KPM from the Non-PKH Basic Food Program received additional assistance of 500,000 rupees with a total budget of 4.5 billion rupees,” said PFM CEO Asep Sasa Purnama, quoted on the official website of the Ministry of Social Affairs (9/12).
