Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan’s plan to impose large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) has met resistance from various groups. Both the central government and local governments.
A day after announcing the implementation of the full PSBB, criticism from President Joko Widodo’s cabinet ministers of Anies Baswedan dispersed. They protested against the plan.
There is concern that PSBB’s overall policy will erode the economy, which is seen as beginning to recover. Also, on Thursday (10/9/2020), the day after Anies Baswedan announced the total PSBB, the stock slip.
The capitalization of the Composite Stock Price Index in one day fell by nearly Rs 300 trillion. Economy Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartarto hinted that the drop in share prices was due to the plan to implement the full PSBB for DKI Jakarta.
“We see that there have been positive results, based on the index until yesterday. Because today is the index [IHSG] there is still uncertainty due to the announcement of the DKI governor [Anies Baswedan] last night to the index this morning already [turun] below 5,000, “Airlangga said at the Kadin event on Thursday (9/9/2020).
According to him, policymaking should not interfere with public trust. He considered that if a sudden ‘acceleration and braking’ was carried out, it would affect public confidence.
“Because the economy is not only critical, but also sentiment, especially for the capital market sector,” Airlangga said.
In a separate location, still on the same day, Airlangga also denied that health facilities or hospitals were limited. According to him, government money is not limited to meeting health needs.
This was in response to Anies’ statement the day before, which said that if the PSBB was not performed, within a week the hospital facilities, such as treatment rooms, ICU and others, would be overflowed to house patients.
Vice Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara also ‘blamed’ Anies with his PSBB for being the cause of the downfall of JCI.
According to him, this policy runs the risk of further eroding the stagnant national economy. According to him, economic growth in the third quarter of 2020 could be further depressed due to the policy of the DKI provincial government.
Previously, the government had predicted that the economy in the third quarter of 2020 would only grow minus 1% – 0%. “But we hope it is lower than that range [setelah ada PSBB jilid II], “He said.
Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita also criticized himself. He is concerned that the full implementation of the PSBB by the end of the third quarter of 2020 could put pressure on the manufacturing sector.
“[PSBB penuh] It will affect the manufacturing industry more or less, especially if it is followed by other provinces that [ikut] implement a strict PSBB. However, what must be transmitted is that for the government, public health is something that cannot be negotiated, ”he said in a similar event with Airlangga Hartarto, on Thursday (10/9/2020).
Deputy Foreign Minister Mahendra Siregar also said that the full reintroduction of the PSBB in the capital is a new factor. Therefore, according to him, a special approach is needed to mitigate the impact of the drastic reduction in PSBB as in the second quarter of 2020.
“We must try to find steps that can synergize the two [kesehatan dan ekonomi]. We have to keep the balance [antara kesehatan dan ekonomi] at best, “he said.
The protests didn’t just come from Jokowi’s ministers. The heads of the buffer zone, Jabodetabek, oppose the plan to join the Jakarta PSBB. Anies Baswedan had brought the regional chiefs together to discuss the total PSBB problem.
However, West Java regional chiefs on average refuse to participate in the full PSBB scheme to suppress the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. It was the mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, who claimed that he rejected the plan for the first time.
According to him, the outline for the total PSBB for DKI Jakarta was unclear during the coordination meeting on Friday. However, today, Bima Arya, his party is still waiting for the results of the meeting held by the DKI governor and the central government this weekend.
Bogor Mayor Bima Arya (left) with DKI Governor Anies Baswedan (right) reviewing commuter line operations. / Business
However, Bima did not deny that he was more inclined to avoid total PSBB. He assessed that returning to full PSBB would actually make policies inconsistent, given that previously central and regional governments were heavily geared towards the economic recovery aspect.
“The point is our consistency. If the PSBB is done in total? Okay. But is the financial issue over or not? Is the staff strong or not? If not, that means we are not consistent,” he said.
The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, said the same. He said the announcement of the total PSBB by Anies was responded negatively by market players, especially the floor of the stock market.
“It is also a lesson for us that in this Covid-19 statement, everyone expects both the community and the economic actors, so it is a matter of caution for us so that each of these statements is properly counted. . Even if it is bad news, a process is being prepared so that it does not happen, ”he told West Java DPRD Bandung on Friday (11/9/2020).
Meanwhile, the Bekasi city government has not been able to implement the full PSBB because the region has different ways of dealing with Covid-19, even though the character of the people of the two regions is almost the same, but requires different policies.
Bekasi Mayor Rahmat Effendi said his party is still adhering to the Covid-19 Safe Productive Community Adaptation Period (ATHB), which is valid from September 3 to October 2, 2020.
During the Covid-19 Safe ATHB period, the management of Covid-19 became stricter while the community’s socioeconomic activities were underway.
“The consideration in this decision is that in order to accelerate the management of Covid-19 that supports the sustainability of the community economy, an Adaptation of a New Living Order will be implemented in the city of Bekasi that synergizes safe health, social and economic aspects, “Rahmat said in an official statement received by Bisnis on Friday (11/9/2020).
Although the Banten arrangement has implemented the PSBB first, Tangerang Regency Regent Ahmed Zaki Iskandar criticized the plan to implement the full PSBB in DKI Jakarta. According to him, the transmission of Covid-19 in the capital has increased in the last three weeks.
“For three weeks, Jakarta has always been high, the governor is still relaxed. Ask the governor of DKI [Anies Baswedan]. Why did you make a fuss yesterday? Tangerang Regency continues to implement the PSBB in accordance with the Banten Governor’s Decree. If DKI does the full PSBB, that is DKI Pemprov’s right, “he explained.
Zaki, who is also a Golkar Party cadre, questioned DKI Jakarta’s PSBB’s overall plan, because last week Anies Baswedan said he would open a cinema in the capital.
“Yesterday Banten [Tangerang Raya ) masih terus lanjut PSBB, DKI sudah PSBB transisi, beda sendiri. Sekarang yang lain disuruh kompak ikutin DKI?”
Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan dalam pemaparan kondisi penularan wabah Covid-19 di Ibu Kota/Bisnis
Dukungan terhadap PSBB total DKI Jakarta datang dari Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil dan pegiat media sosial. Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil mengultimatum Presiden Jokowi agar tak mengingkari janjinya untuk memprioritaskan aspek kesehatan dalam penanganan wabah Covid-19.
“Kami memohon sekali lagi presiden Jokowi untuk tidak ingkar janji dalam mengutamakan kesehatan warga negara sebagai kunci dari pemulihan ekonomi bangsa. Antara lain diwujudkan dengan meminta seluruh jajaran menteri dan tim Satuan Tugas Penanganan Covid-19 untuk secara konkret membuat dan melaksanakan kebijakan penanganan Covid-19 dengan mengutamakan perlindungan kesehatan,” desak Koalisi lewat keterangan tertulis.
Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil menilai sikap para menteri itu mengecewakan. Apalagi pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut dilontarkan di tengah masih tingginya gelombang persebaran Covid-19 di berbagai provinsi.
Hingga Jumat (11/9/2020), jumlah kasus positif di Indonesia sudah melampaui angka 210.000, dengan kesembuhan di angka 150.000 serta korban meninggal mencapai 8.544.
DKI Jakarta menjadi wilayah dengan jumlah kasus terbanyak, yakni 51.635. Menyusul di belakangnya secara berturut-turut adalah Jawa Timur dengan 37.455 kasus, Jawa Tengah dengan 17.074 kasus, serta Jawa Barat dengan 13.940 kasus.
Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil merupakan asosiasi yang terdiri atas sejumlah LSM dengan lintas konsentrasi. Beberapa di antaranya adalah KontraS, LBH Jakarta, Lokataru, WALHI, YLBHI, PSHK, hingga ICW.
Sementara itu, Pengamat Kebijakan Publik Agus Pambagio menyayangkan sikap para menteri yang menyalahkan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan terkait pemberlakuan kembali PSBB.
Agus menilai pemerintah seharusnya tidak saling menyalahkan dan kompak menyelesaikan penularan Covid-19 yang semakin meluas. “Ngapain lagi, gini hari menyalahkan? Bereskan (Covid-19),” kata Agus dalam diskusi virtual acara Prespektif Indonesia, Sabtu (12/9/2020).
Dengan melihat posisi seperti ini, Anies Baswedan bakal batal melaksanakan PSBB? Kasus penularan Covid-19 di DKI Jakarta sendiri memang meningkat signifikan. Bahkan rekor tertinggi penambahan kasus harian dalam beberapa hari terakhir.
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