Looking back on a year since BJ Habibie’s departure, consider 10 wise phrases



Exactly one year ago, on September 11, 2019, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie or BJ Habibie died. This third president of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the most influential figures in the country.

His modest and intelligent figure is usually a role model for people of all ages, one of them is a young person. The life story of BJ Habibie is also known to be very inspiring.

This father of two also often expresses his thoughts with motivational and wise words, Mother. Quoted from various sources, here are 10 wise quotes from BJ Habibie that are inspiring and full of meaning:

1. “If you want to do something, you must continue to be curious. Don’t just dream because when you wake up the dream may end, but sign up.”

2. “Be a productive young man, so that he becomes a professional without forgetting two things, faith and piety.”

3. “When you become a leader of this nation, don’t forget to put in time and hard work during the full 24 hours of your leadership.”

4. “It doesn’t have to be someone perfect. Just find the person who always makes you happy and makes you mean more than anyone else.”

5. “Without love intelligence is dangerous and without intelligence love is not enough.”

6. “Wherever you are, always be the best and do your best.”

7. “When we are young we end up lazy, then the old man will also be lazy and then he will die tomorrow, but if we learn a lot and analyze a lot, when he is old he will win.”

8. “It doesn’t make sense that your IQ is high but lazy, lacking in discipline. The important thing is that you are healthy and willing to make sacrifices for a bright future.”

9. “True love looks at weaknesses, then it becomes an advantage to love one another.”

10. “One of the keys to happiness is to use your money for experiences, not wishes.”

See also Meisya Siregar’s strict way of educating her children, in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

(ank / som)
