PRECISION JOURNAL – As previously reported, the government has launched various programs ranging from PKH, Salary Subsidy Assistance (BSU), Basic Food Assistance, Pre-Employment Cards, Basic Food Cards and what this time is Social Assistance (Bansos) which is delivered per head of household with a nominal value of 500 thousand IDR.
The various grants are aimed at increasing the purchasing power of people amid Indonesia’s economic situation during the pandemic.
The Ministry of Social Affairs, through the Directorate General for the Management of the Poor (Ditjen PFM), has prepared additional social assistance or social assistance worth 500,000 IDR.
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This additional social assistance program is aimed at Beneficiary Families (KPM) of the Non-Family Food Program (PKH).
This assistance is additional assistance after the government previously distributed social assistance in the form of basic food packages.
The Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari Batubara, revealed that the cash welfare assistance (BST) of 500 thousand rupees per family is intended for around 9 million beneficiary families (KPM).
Also read: Remember! The assistance of 500 thousand IDR per household is only accepted once, these are the conditions
“Up to 9 million KPM from the Non-PKH Basic Food Program received additional assistance of 500,000 rupees with a total budget of 4.5 trillion rupees,” said PFM Director General Asep Sasa Purnama, quoted on the official website of the Ministry of Social Affairs (9/10).