MANTRA SUKABUMI – The government runs various programs for the welfare of the community. One of them is the pre-employment program.
The main requirements to become a candidate for pre-employment card recipients are Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are at least 18 years old and not currently attending formal education.
However, participation in the pre-employment card program will be eliminated because there is a maximum limit if it has been accepted.
Also read: There is hope, check batch 8 pre-job schedule and conditions to prepare
Reported by mantrasukabumi.com from Instagram page @ prakerja.go.id Based on Permenko No. 11 of 2020,
Those who are already beneficiaries of the Pre-Employment Card must immediately choose the first training within 30 days of receiving the notification SMS as recipients of the Pre-Employment Card.
If you have not selected the first training within the specified time limit, participation in the pre-employment card program will be revoked.
Also read: Don’t give up, these are the right conditions and how to register the latest batch 8 pre-employment cards
But don’t give up, stay on next wave 8, here are the terms and how to register the prework card from batch 8.
However, before registering online, potential participants prepare various documents and personal data, such as complete personal data along with a National Identity Number (NIK) according to KTP, active phone number and active email.