LATEST NEWS – Kompas Gramedia founder Jakob Oetama passes away


The founder of Kompas Gramedia, Jakob Oetama. Jakob Oetama died at the age of 88 on Wednesday (9/9/2020). (Source: Kompas Information Center)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Kompas Gramedia Group founder Jakob Oetama passed away on Wednesday (9/9/2020).

Jakob Oetama died at the age of 88 at Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading Hospital, Jakarta.

Also read: Celebration of the 88th birthday of Jakob Oetama

A report from a Kompas TV reporter in the field said the body would be buried in the Kompas building, South Palmerah, Jakarta. In addition, the body will be buried in the Kalibata TMP.

Jakob Oetama is known to have been born in Jowahan village, 500 meters east of Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java, on September 27, 1931. He is the first child of 13 children.

Her father is Raymundus Josef Sandiyo Brotosoesiswo, a retired teacher from the Popular School in Sleman, Yogyakarta, while her mother is Margaretha Kartonah.

Currently, Jakob Oetama is known as one of the founders of Kompas Gramedia Group together with Petrus Kanisius (PK) Ojong.
