A street vendor in Malioboro dies from Covid-19, Yogyakarta city government conducts tracking


YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.COM – A street vendor (PKL) in Malioboro, Yogyakarta, died and was confirmed positive for Covid-19. Street vendors trade every day in Malioboro’s zone three.

Yogyakarta Deputy Mayor Heroe Poerwadi said the street vendor was not selling because he had been ill since August 27, 2020.

The street vendor complained of fever, weakness, and cough. He also rested at home.

Then, on September 1, 2020, the interested party was reviewed at the health center, the next day he was transferred to the hospital and carried out Quick test, the results are reactive, “Heroe said in his statement on Sunday (9/6/2020).

Test results swab The street vendor came out on September 4 and tested positive for Covid-19. The street vendor died in the afternoon and was buried overnight in Kulonprogo.

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Government of the city of Yogyakarta (Pemkot), has made tracking Friday night. Two street vendors have been closed in zone three, up to eight people.

“We have already canceled the two segments that are sold close to each other. Tracking to close contact with the deceased, both around the barracks and at his home in the Suryatmajan area, Danurejan district, Yogyakarta, ”Heroe explained.

Heroe added that the families who were in close contact with the Covid-19 positive patient were his sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren.

The boy and son-in-law took the street vendor for treatment. They also replaced the street vendors selling in Malioboro.

The Yogyakarta city government asked the family and street vendors who were in close contact with the patient to self-quarantine.

“Meanwhile, other street vendors are still allowed to sell and conditions in Malioboro remain safe. Because those who have close contacts have been independently closed and isolated. Those who had congregational prayers with the deceased were also asked to isolate themselves independently, “he said.
