Questioning the Warung Soto group in Yogyakarta, it’s called Abai, there is no Thermo Gun and no hand sanitizer

[ad_1] – The Soto Lamongan stalls around XT Square, Yogyakarta City, which became the new group after the soup vendor tested positive for Covid-19, are said to have ignored health protocols.

Until Monday (8/31/2020) of the results tracking 19 people have been exposed to this group. They are relatives and employees of the soup shop.

Yogyakarta Deputy Mayor, who is also the daily chairman of the Yogyakarta City Covid-19 task force, Heroe Purwadi, said the location of the soto store is on the side of the road.

Also read: Warung Soto in Yogyakarta, which is a Covid-19 cluster, is called neglecting health protocols

For this reason, his party asked Soto Lamongan buyers who came in August to check themselves at the nearest health service to prevent the spread of the virus.

The appeal also applies to buyers who feel no pain symptoms.

“To the buyers of Soto Lamongan in August to have it checked immediately at the nearest health service, so that the blocking of cases can be carried out and not spread,” he said.

“Do self-isolation, always with a mask, stay home and not leave home, and limit the touch of things,” he said.

Also read: Impact of the appearance of the Soto vendor cluster, an RT in Yogyakarta is blocked

Ignore health protocols

Ilustrasi hand sanitizerShutterstock Ilustrasi hand sanitizer

Yogyakarta’s deputy mayor, Heroe Poerwadi, said that the soto post that was part of the Covid-19 transmission group did not properly implement health protocols.

According to him, a number of items necessary during the period of adaptation to new habits were not in the store.

“There is not heat gun, gel alcohol“Heroe said at the Yogyakarta City Hall Complex on Monday (8/31/2020).
