Cheapest Corona West Java Test Equipment, Accurate up to 80 percent


Bandung, CNN Indonesia – West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil presents two quick test tool coronavirus (Covid-19) Jabar manufactured by ITB and Unpad claimed to be up to 80 percent accurate and sold cheaper.

This quick test tool is different from the ones on the market. This test tool does not use a blood sample from a patient, but uses a swab or a patient’s body fluids to detect Covid-19.

This Rapid Rapid Test 2.0 and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is the result of research by Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

According to Emil, Ridwan Kamil’s nickname, Rapid Test 2.0 is more accurate than the previous rapid test tool. Rapid Test 2.0’s accuracy, he said, reached 80 percent.
“This is because Rapid Test 2.0 does not analyze blood samples, but swabs,” Emil said, presenting the two tools at the Unpad Center for Bioinformatics and Molecular Biotechnology Research, Bandung, on Thursday (5/14).
Furthermore, the price of these quick test kits is also called cheaper than the test equipment currently in use.

“The price is cheaper. If RDT has been circulating up to Rp300 thousand, if this is a maximum of only Rp120 thousand,” he said.

The former mayor of Bandung said the rapid test has been used only to detect the presence of foreign objects in the body through antibodies, but not specific to the coronavirus.

“If Rapid Test 2.0 uses antigens, the virus will be found,” he said.

Emil confirmed that for the initial stage, the biotech industry in West Java will produce up to 5,000 in June 2020. The next stage, this rapid test will produce up to 50,000.

In addition to Rapid Test 2.0, the second Covid-19 test is a rapid diagnostic test based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) techniques that focus on antigen detection, namely SARS-Cov-2. , the virus that causes Covid-19.

Emil stated that the SPR is different from the swab test with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. SPR, he said, does not require a laboratory to analyze samples. Also, the time required for SPR testing is faster than the PCR method.

“But, enough laptops and objects the size of a motor battery can accommodate 8 samples, so they can be taken anywhere,” he said.

The advantage of this SPR test is that you can test directly on the market or elsewhere with the same precision as PCR. “The price of the tools is around Rs 200 million and the tools can be mobile,” he said.

According to him, with the presence of Rapid Test 2.0, SPR, Biofarma’s PCR reagents and ventilators manufactured by PT DI and Pindad, the objective of massive tests to 300,000 thousand residents of West Java can be achieved.

“The presence of several locally manufactured medical test kits shows that our nation can produce its own biotechnology tools. This is the contribution of the scientists who defended the country through their knowledge, because in the war against Covid-19, there are those who defend the state with the first line of medical personnel, wealth, power and others, “he said.

The head of the Unpad Covid-19 diagnostic research team, Muhammad Yusuf, said Rapid Test 2.0 is a rapid test tool developed to detect the presence of viruses (antigens) in the body. The advantages of this product are cheaper, accurate, easy to use, fast and can be distributed to remote areas.

Most of the components of this product are developed at the national level, which reduces dependence on imports and the availability of raw materials.

“Unpad is partnering with PT Tekad Mandiri Citra, which is committed to producing antibodies as one of its main components. Also PT Pakar Biomedika Indonesia, which has the capacity, experience and permission to produce rapid tests at the national level,” Yusuf said.

“If the PCR you are looking for is a specific genetic code, then that specific gene is reproduced and the virus will be found there, then what is detected is the gene that represents the virus. But if the SPR that is detected is the particles of the virus, “he said. (hig / ex)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
